As We Get Older We Frequently Hear The Saying 'at Your Age ' Poem by Reginald Reid

As We Get Older We Frequently Hear The Saying 'at Your Age '

At Your Age

Don't you just hate it when they say "At your Age"
Yes, AT YOUR AGE you should just expect these sorts of things to happen
You're not getting any younger you know
And you need to be realistic about what you can and can't do now.
Get used to it.

These know alls who weren't even born when I was their age
Doctors and nurses, dentists and physiotherapists, special advisors and carers, I could list a thousand of them but you know who I mean
You go to them for a simple answer to a simple question and they want you to do a test or two
Or they pass you on to a specialist who, it seems only works on some days and in some inaccessible distant places

Even when you are put in hospital, it's a case of; what day is it, do you know the date today, who is the current Prime Minister?
To which you want to reply - - if you don't know the answers you shouldn't be wearing that white coat
"Well AT YOUR AGE things get beyond you and we need to know how you are" As if you were a Rhodes Scholar before.
Listen here, I'll have you know that there are people my age and older running nations around the world
So what's your point? Do you plan to treat my illness differently?

You know I always remember stuff - eventually
Some words elude me for a while and I know people like ……er what's his name - the one with the funny chin - I saw him here recently - his wife passed away not long ago
And there's that other fellow down the road -- he has to go into care and he's not as old as me but he doesn't get about so easily now
I'm healthy (cough) and fit, I walk a lot and go to exercise classes AND I take all my medicines on time, (EXCEPT WHEN I FORGET)
But it's these regular checks up, they just find things and then it's a new pill or more tests.
There are things I need to get help to do these days, and even if the help is partly paid for by the government if you're lucky, I'd rather be independent
We won't go into the private stuff that no one wants to know about like when you bend over to put your socks on…………. And you need to think if there is anything else to be done while you're down there
I've got clothes I can't wear because they are too small or too big Shoes that I will never wear out, Hair that won't stay in but falls out
Not to mention false teeth, back pain, ARTHERBLOODYRITIS, eyesight issues, can't lose weight, always falling asleep, BUT I HAVE MY GOOD HEALTH - WHAT MORE SHOULD I EXPECT AT MY AGE? AT LEAST I STILL HAVE MY DRIVING LICENSE

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