As I Get Closer Poem by Thomas Duncky

As I Get Closer

As I get closer
And closer
To another completion of one cycle
As I get closer to where I came from
As my heart leaps and seals the end of my human form
As I return to dust, to air, to water,
As I decay
The dust will fly with the whirlwind
The water will fill the rivers, lakes and oceans
The in air the atmosphere where I first met it will return
Farewell thee earth but not for good
Do I not see you from above in the air?
Do I not see you beneath in the river?
Do I not see you from the dust in the whirlwinds?
Am I not with you in ONENESS?
As I get closer to completion of my human form
I realize I have made a complete turn around.
Like the first voyagers I am back where I started.
As the millions before me
As the millions after me
I finally turn to another life cycle and last for eternity!

Sudama Panigrahi 20 September 2013

Beautiful cyclic description...yea life is a cycle and part of oneness.

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Pheko Motaung 02 March 2012

This majestic powerful evocative mesmerizing fabulous poem made me cry and cry and cry! So thank you made me cry the tears of joy and appreciation.

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