Arlo Said Kill Poem by Walter Burns

Arlo Said Kill

I curl up
to a molten mylar
in a celluloid
soaking stream
face down
dolls that only breathe
sans batteries
sans wonder

these are the supposed centurions
to sleepless children
tired from weeping
but to awake
would sleep in thunder

The warrior angels kneel

the battlefield
is besieged
with countless casualties
capturing emerald grass
to release
ruby boundless butchery

as an Angel Assassin
I'm ineffecive against the ghosts
but from firing at this window
has crossed me through the flames
for pistol after pistol
to pierce upon the brain

Its work
growing gray
matter in the fields

the Automatic Peacemaker
planting seeds
only to watch them grow
into a battlefield

I am killing everything
all the thoughts in my head

are you and you and you
I am killing you

I threw a pair of dice
lost on a bald earth
where I am an eagle
preying to
a monster
to machines

now again I'm human
stretching my wings across the earth
planting my talons in the ocean
stabbing and grabbing my feed
clutching for a new breed

I would be rid of
but not for killing snakes

slithering on a shady road
the new life has yet to take
the rain and mud have covered
the softly-scented sins
in excrement
and so the earth is ever expanding

like a twinkling in an eye-plex
the scenes from battlefields
where bullet slowly buries
and forever
and in slow motion
twirls once around and dies

a Contraption
floats before me
from another world,
surely- for it floats with unseen power

flashes three times

makes an arc across the heavens


fade scene
fade machine
Merry Xmas
The War is Over

I lost my way in this world
laid it somewhere strange to me

I'm a lone shooter
found on the battlefield
questioned by authorities
asked to join their side

It was only a lucky shooter
I'd like to have it back

When I had the power to stay aloft
I Could Have Silenced The War Of Ages

Now my teeth are buried in pillow


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