Angel Wishes Poem by Jim Yerman

Angel Wishes

Yesterday I sent a wish for peace up to shooting stars I could not see…
hoping…praying a random angel would catch…and grant that wish for me.

Which makes me wonder:
If, after all these years of sending wishes to angels I cannot see,
perhaps angels are not wish-granters but wish-makers…just like me.

What if, all these years of sending wishes to angels wishes I assumed were getting lost,
the angels were also sending wishes…and what if our wishes simply crossed?

What if the creators created in nature lessons on how to live each day
and what if angels are wishing…praying…we would listen to what nature has to say?

Yesterday after sending a thousand wishes for peace up to the sky
on our morning walk we witnessed…the birth of a butterfly.

At the same time I was touched by an angel's wish…
drifting down from high in the sky
wishing for me to look and learn all I can from this butterfly.

Like us they are fragile creatures…their wings are delicate and thin…
but that doesn't stop them form adding color to the universe as they ride upon the wind.

They share the flowers with birds, and bees and other butterflies…
all are rich…no one is poor.
and you never see a butterfly carrying a weapon or marching off to war.

They live a life both innocent and free…they cause no one pain or grief
for they know that time is precious…their moment on Earth is brief.

Perhaps angels are wishing we would listen to these teachings…
and these lessons we'd apply….
so we could live in peace…and harmony…and beauty
just like the butterfly

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