And It's Getting Better. Poem by THE HOLY POET

And It's Getting Better.

50,000 seats were filled to watch the Huns today

But they forgot that Killie could show them how to play

They were there to show their strength and how they'd put things right

Though their owner thought he'd stay away, their saviour Agent Whyte.

So super Killie struck again, that's the double they have done

And those poor wee guys in Hunsville just can't have any fun

They cannot buy a forward, not even if he's free

And we devour every bit and rub our hands with glee.

They proudly showed allegiance as they sang God Save The Queen

Mere mortals must have thought them mad and considered that obscene

But still they jumped and clapped their hands belting out that song

Yet she's the one who wants her tax, put back where it belongs.

You couldn't make this up, they sing songs in her praise

A fairytale that all went wrong, bring back the halcyon days

But for now they have to sit and wait and hope things turn out right

And how they wish dear Fergus had been born blue and white.

They've had their greats, or so they claim, but now they have fat Sally

Who can't fathom out what's happening here, so he's back on the shwally.

He watches on so helpless, we can almost hear him scream

As we sit back, enjoying all, eating jelly and ice cream.

The taxman's wanting all their dough but they want off Scot free

Save us, save us, save us, was their begging plea

Help our heroes, help us all, pay off Agent Whyte

Pay him off for doing you in? That will be bloody right.

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