An Unrequited Love Poem by Tahir Ibn Manzoor

An Unrequited Love

When I saw you my heart sung a song on a cloud nine,

That was the day I asked to myself that somebody would be mine.

Through the corridors in an institution I searched for few,

It was the addiction that attached me eternally to you.

Within me at times I felt a strange pain,

I left it to be healed by saying; on a given day it will be a gain.

Seeing you through those leaves of chinar - was it a madness of my bruised heart,

Leaning back on a bench, all I could understand that it was an undefined thought.

The façade somewhere of something was of the Huri, and a silent spectator,

Through the stairs he went up and down just to have a glimpse of a collaborator.

As the volcano was about to explode in the heart of an oppressed,

The oppressor chuckled, and let the oppressed to die again and again.

Shall I bear the thorns in a way or mourn the loss,

The life has its own balance scale, and a lesson for undefined soul.

[The author is a student of Convergent Journalism at Central University of Kashmir. He tweets at @TahirIbnManzoor, and blogs at http: //www.TahirIbnManzoor.Wordpress.Com]

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