Alpha One Poem by AHO Speaks

Alpha One

Written words carry not emotions for that is a vocal trait
If too many spoken words, then the mind cannot contemplate
Beware of negative emotions and those words of evil and hate.

Everything given life must grow, change and be transformed
Life is a gift given not for evil and neither for acts of wrong
Intent is the arbitrator of all sinful acts of the weak and strong.

All creations for and of mankind will eventually return to dust
An earthly journey is fruitless, if we lack hope and a God; we can trust
The universal creator asks for little, yet loves each of us very much.

Man can never know God's will until he understands his own
By man's will the children suffer, until their God takes them home
It is true, man does not and can not only live by bread alone

Light of the world is dependent on our gift of the earthly sun
God and man's reason and purpose significant, as they are both one Mankind exists, only because of every human daughter and earthly son.

If man takes a child out of its time of peace into a violent place
Forever in his Mother's memory, he will be, a human disgrace
His gift of life, time and existence will never, ever, be replaced.

Man's arrogance not a gift but more an inherited male trait
There are two genders in our world and each one has a soul mate
One is blest and for too long has been denied and has had to wait.

There will be a judgment and if the Alpha wants to stand alone
Then for him and because of his laws, only he; shall have to atone.
A Mother needs to be protected until all her children have left home.

Words have not built one shelter, fed one child or saved a single soul
A nation that will not share its harvest may be strong but never bold.
All children must be protected, until their human story can unfold.

12-28-05 Aho Speaks


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