Affection Poem by Craig Piercy


My lifeblood
Without it, like a flower without water
Like a rose without smell
Like the sky without stars
A need, a want, a necessity
Affection! My love, thats my lifeblood
Affection from the one I love
Without this, I die

I give and need to receive
The longing to feel it, the pain when it's not there
It's magic, the feeling, the warmth
You have it, but will you share it!
Release, oh, please release, and don't be shy
I will never make you cry

I am here for you, hold out your hand, oh yes, I'm here
Let me cuddle you, show you there is nothing to fear
I will never give you a bum steer!
Trust me, let me trust you
You don't have to be alone

Let me in, allow me to take you to places you've never been
Don't judge me please on past experiences
I want to hold my princess with utter tenderness
So little time, spend a dime, be free to express
No need to be depressed

You said it's a cop-out! Then throw it out!
Let's not waste any more time
I want you, love you, damn it! Lose control
Let's take a stroll, breathe, feel, love, be loved
For you are my angel!

My arty-farty angel, a true lady, a real person, yes, with faults
No ownership, just tenderness, togetherness, forever
Let the true magic happen!

Craig Piercy

Craig Piercy

Hamilton New Zealand
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