Address To Kilchurn Castle, Upon Loch Awe Poem by William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

Cumberland / England
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William Wordsworth
Cumberland / England
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Address To Kilchurn Castle, Upon Loch Awe

Rating: 2.7

CHILD of loud-throated War! the mountain Stream
Roars in thy hearing; but thy hour of rest
Is come, and thou art silent in thy age;
Save when the wind sweeps by and sounds are caught
Ambiguous, neither wholly thine nor theirs.
Oh! there is life that breathes not; Powers there are
That touch each other to the quick in modes
Which the gross world no sense hath to perceive,
No soul to dream of. What art Thou, from care
Cast off-abandoned by thy rugged Sire,
Nor by soft Peace adopted; though, in place
And in dimension, such that thou might'st seem
But a mere footstool to yon sovereign Lord,
Huge Cruachan, (a thing that meaner hills
Might crush, nor know that it had suffered harm
Yet he, not loth, in favour of thy claims
To reverence, suspends his own; submitting
All that the God of Nature hath conferred,
All that he holds in common with the stars,
To the memorial majesty of Time
Impersonated in thy calm decay!
Take, then, thy seat, Vicegerent unreproved!
Now, while a farewell gleam of evening light
Is fondly lingering on thy shattered front,
Do thou, in turn, be paramount; and rule
Over the pomp and beauty of a scene
Whose mountains, torrents, lake, and woods, unite
To pay thee homage; and with these are joined,
In willing admiration and respect,
Two Hearts, which in thy presence might be called
Youthful as Spring.-Shade of departed Power,
Skeleton of unfleshed humanity,
The chronicle were welcome that should call
Into the compass of distinct regard
The toils and struggles of thy infant years!
Yon foaming flood seems motionless as ice;
Its dizzy turbulence eludes the eye,
Frozen by distance; so, majestic Pile,
To the perception of this Age, appear
Thy fierce beginnings, softened and subdued
And quieted in character-the strife,
The pride, the fury uncontrollable,
Lost on the aerial heights of the Crusades!

Edward Kofi Louis 10 June 2018

Toils and struggles! Thanks for sharing this poem with us.

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Bernard F. Asuncion 10 June 2018

Such a great write by William Wordsworh👍👍👍

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Savita Tyagi 12 June 2018

William Wordsworth one of my favorite! Such a pleasure to read this remarkable poem.

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As the brilliance just flows from your finger as if you are a just writing directly to our brain and hearts.. Definitely one of my favorite POETS

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Subhas Chandra Chakra 10 June 2018

Love this beautiful poem dear poet.

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Kumarmani Mahakul 10 June 2018

It is a poem with nice theme and brilliant expression composed by William Wordsworth. I love it.

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Ramesh T A 10 June 2018

A great tribute to Kilchurn castle in company with all things of Nature is wonderfully composed free poen by Wordsworth is amazing to read and appreciate here!

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William Wordsworth

William Wordsworth

Cumberland / England
follow poet
William Wordsworth
Cumberland / England
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