Aching Hearts Poem by Vadakkumpurath Ramesan

Aching Hearts

I have had dreams
I have had a heart
I have had feelings
But I am destined
To nip my dreams
To stop heart throbbing
With emotions that elate me
To the heights where my bride
Clad in colors glance me
And invite me to the lawns
Of my flowery dreams!
I part with her to flourish
The dreams of by sibling
Whose safe life is my peace
Whose dreams I nurture.
With my tears that flow
From my heart that bleeds
In agony of my lost life
I perished the dreams
Of my childhood mate
My heart and soul
That I never can part
Without any wound that never heal!
That time can never heal it
Nor my incarnations relieve me
Of this sin that I did to myself.
The sacrifice I did to my sibling
Not her to lost the life
Not to miss her dreams
Not to fade her rainbow
That always showers in her life.
I lost myself.
I lost my fiancee
We both lost the lives
We ourselves dipped in the river
That yet flows from our tears!
The river of tears and sorrow!
The rivulet of love that taste
The tear salt of Laila-Majnu!

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