Acceptance Is The Chore Poem by Michael Walkerjohn

Acceptance Is The Chore

is changing.
Each of US expressing
an encouragement in self-reflection
that every individual of any mindedness
would, in a reflective consciousness urge
their personal abilities to thoughts, ideas
options, solutions; using that rather empty
space between their ‘two temples' for more
than a simplistic ‘way station' where they may
suppress, and hide from, this ever-changing and
more demanding episode in ‘evolutionary change.'
Look thoroughly within what is evident folks and
consider the present as this; one disorganized
chaotic ‘petri dish, ' a rather simple thought.
Yet, the greatest minds in remembered
times have profoundly considered our
prospective moves forward, as a single
species human, with this thought being
foremost: "Everything should be simple
as possible, but not simpler" …or so did
Albert Einstein suggest. Identify within your
selves a confidence, of and for the future. That
independently healthy choice, utilizing personal
experiences, outcomes, and consequences learned
and now practiced and ‘responsibly plan' a basic means
for you in solving one, or two ‘problems' … Yea! Your
very owned, individually tuned, how to be and do
instructions book for self-guidance in managing
what it is you wish to conquer, control, and or
achieve. Including that thoroughly through
thought, best intentioned reward for
doing such and being successful!
Wash your hands and minds
from these passing times
behind you. Accept the
highest responsibility, own
the accountability, become the
contributing, independent factor
for the greater good; of an entire
species! Make this decision yours!
Believe confidently that your behaviour'
and actions will solve the problems and the
challenges and genuinely acknowledge that
acceptance is the chore.

Acceptance Is The Chore
Saturday, July 18, 2020
Topic(s) of this poem: inspirational
Error Success