A Women's Rights In Radical Arab Countries In Israel? Poem by Terence George Craddock

A Women's Rights In Radical Arab Countries In Israel?

Rating: 5.0

women in radical Arab countries dressed black crows
with hidden no face tiny slits for eyes have no rights?
in public prohibited punished if crime showing their face
not allowed to work drive or go to a mall unescorted?
by escorted we mean under protection of an adult male
a woman's male child son can in public protect escort
his mother deemed incapable of looking after herself?
in Afghanistan women were for crime teacher executed?

mother's beheaded publicly at a soccer field for crime
teaching their own daughters to read in their own home?
In Sharia law countries women girls without freedom rights
are raped murdered traded for goods sold into sex slavery?
Lagos Nigeria 219 girls were night kidnapped from a school
forced to marry their Islamic militant extremist abductors?

Terence George Craddock (Afterglows Echoes Of Starlight)
Copyright © Terence George Craddock

Monday, June 6, 2016
Topic(s) of this poem: equality,human rights,politics,women,women empowerment
Inspired by a video posted by Evan Joseph Cohn. Dedicated to all lovers of beauty peace freedom and justice. Split image from the poem 'Believers In Boycott Israel Lobby Reviewed', by the poet Terence George Craddock. Written in May 2016 on the 2.5.2016. Kabul's stadium of horrors Taliban executions still haunt Afghan soccer field | ReutersVideo: Taliban shoot woman 9 times in public execution as men cheer By the CNN Wire Staff Updated 1021 GMT (1821 HKT) July 9,2012Some of the restrictions imposed by Taliban on women in Afghanistan 15 beheaded in Taliban offensive in Afghanistan, official says By Masoud Popalzai and Jason Hanna, CNN Updated 1304 GMT (2104 HKT) September 26,2014
Michael Walker 06 February 2017

A strong statement for women's rights(or lack of rights) in Arab countries- Islam. Powerful visual images: 'dressed black crows'-that is how Islamic women look.

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Terry Craddock 07 February 2017

Unfortunately it is how some Islamic women look, I do not know if they are forced to wear such clothes or want to, there is a huge difference. I spent over 15 years living in 2 Islamic countries, my first wife was Turkish and muslim, never wore Islamic clothing and believed that covering the head was covering the mind, her social class was educated and Turkey is not a radical Middle Eastern Country. My present wife of 13 years, comes from the largest Islamic country in the world, again is educated, Muslim, will cover her head to pray, but would be afraid to live in an Islamic Middle Eastern Country; this I know because I wanted to work in a few teaching for the interest and life experience and she refused. A complicated issue and one demanding sensitive respect, what saddens me the most is Western Women who do not support women's rights for women when suppressed in these countries. Also sadly a lot of data on these issues is not accurate or media reported without toal accuracy or sincerety; I have meet so many very good generous people in these countries and only a few bad eggs. I vote for equal rights for all and peace, sadly the votes of the vast majority who vote for peace are not counted.

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