A Woman's World Poem by Nikhil Parekh

A Woman's World

If a man was born out of a woman's divinely womb; after tossing; turning and kicking helplessly for 9 agonizingly marathon months; before tasting the first beams of light of the alien world,

If a man suckled life-yielding milk; comfort; and compassion; from the bosom of a woman; in order to perseveringly fortify each of his bone-to face the ghastly wrath of the parasitic planet outside,

If a man wailed in a woman's eclectically sensitive palms in his times of duress; felt their latent warmth as the most invincible fortress; even as the worst of hell descended on earth,

If a man fervently licked his fingers clean time and again; savoring the most succulently ravishing meals on earth even in his dreams; prepared by the artistically virile woman,

If a man flirted and philandered with a woman in iridescent twilight; in order to grant his veins the most tantalizingly unparalleled exhilaration that ever existed; in order to profoundly realize the glory of his untamed youth,

If a man kissed a woman with every ounce of passion that existed in each ingredient of his blood; in order to perpetually feel the quintessential reason of existence; as two souls royally blended to become one,

If a man took inimitably unflinching pride in introducing a woman as his better-half partner for life; thereby demonstrating his perfect symbiosis with nature and winning the unanimous applause of one and all around,

If a man started to work everyday with reinvigorated vigor to conquer life and its uncanny hardships; thanks to the fearlessly inspiring smile of a woman and the power of faith in her resplendent eyes,

If a man desperately sought a beautiful woman's face amidst a boundless crowd of other men; to enlighten his otherwise wretchedly remorseful evening with the clouds of effervescent desire,

If a man resorted to the sensuous caress of a magnetic woman-shrugging millions of the currency coin; only to feel the ultimate magic of exhaling in princely desire and unconquerably alive,

If a man desperately shouted the name of the woman who brought him to the world even before he remembered God; at the tiniest attack of the salaciously
crucifying devil,

If a man squeaked worse than an orphaned rat infront of a woman's door; to forgive him as night fell and he frantically needed a shoulder to cry upon—as the mosquitoes of worldly commercialism chased him down to the last hole,

If a man considered a woman his most eternally unshakable companion; to uninhibitedly blend with his feminist fears and tears; understand his sensitive soul to the hilt-like no-one else could ever comprehend,

If a man needed a woman to trigger an infinite colors and spectrums of desire; in his otherwise robotically routine business night; where all that was otherwise visible was plaintive cigarette smoke; tie; whisky; dubious collapse of stocks; and unbearable strife,

If a man depended on a woman to articulately assemble and sift through his disorganized life; make him feel more responsible in the chapter of existence; as he refreshingly marched forward with a purpose to serve back his own world,

If a man embraced a woman for bondings more immortal than an infinite more physical lives and veritable deaths; totally unfettered as the planet viciously abused him; locked in the arms of her ever-pervading love,

If a man secretly wanted to be fed every morsel of his food by a woman just like in innocuous childhood; in order to forever revel in the love and glory of the very best that life in its most pristinely form; had to ever offer,

If a man wholesomely leaned upon a woman to continue his race and name ahead; intransigently feel that the chapter of life had then eventually revolved a complete circle,

Then why the hell do you call it and rant about it as a 'mans earth'. For whether you agree or don't agree it always has been and always would be a womans world.

Nikhil Parekh

Nikhil Parekh

Dehradun, India
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