Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Tribute To My Boss Comments

Rating: 4.7

Some men see things as they are and say why,
I dream that never were and say, why not?
— Rober F. Keneddy

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Amrit Rathi
Queeny Gona 07 June 2010

I wish i had such a Boss. Thank you for sharing with me

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Mathew Brady 02 June 2010

A great poem of gratitude embedded with sentiments not normally found! I looks like you really had great time in work and achievement. I rated it 9/10. Keep writing....Thanks.

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warner treuter 01 June 2010

Like two poems in one, poem starts out descriptively about job, etc. and ends up very personal, interesting all the way. Perhaps, though we retain the memories of someone highly cherished we cannot help but wish them actual life as a process of giving and sharing that is in all generous natures. If you haven't already noticed - or if things are not similar to the U.S. companies, almost all except the very highest of employees get terminated in their middle or late fifties. Don't know why, perhaps it's because people get sick then and cause a drag on the insurance rates. Even the best companies here that have a lot of appreciation from their employees do not breed a whole lot of confidence in, and get even less loyalty from, their employees compared to a couple of generations ago. Most skilled computer employees here would switch jobs at the dropp of a hat with very little notice if it was to their advantage, and this is because they've seen all too well what happened to those who've gone before and can't refurbish their knowledge and skills almost overnight to keep up with changing times. No loyalty from the company breeds no loyalty from their workers. Accepted protocol here in the states. Just not supposed to broadcast it, bad for morale, but perfectly ok to admit it outside of the plant or over a beer. Modern life. Industrial ethics. It's here. But you probably already know that. Unless, it is to be hoped, India is yet undevelopmentally more pristine. I think the world of loyalty, a high honor, a high virtue; unfortunately not in vogue at this time in the States. Your poem was very noble along these lines, I thought.

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majid Alsaady 30 May 2010

Dear Amrit Being faithful is a great and excellent merit.You not praised your boss but yourself. showing such nice sentiments, personal ya, but humane. thanks for the invite.

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Ramesh Adwant 26 May 2010

Hi Amrit, read your poem.The real punch is in the last two lines. Those who accept us with an open heart make a special place in our memory. Your poem was probably a result of your love and admiration for your boss. A good poem indeed.

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Valery Atkinson 25 May 2010

You seem to be an excellent human being who has such adoration for your ex-boss. Your poem is reflection of your nice feelings and sentiments. And Amrit, you have knack of sprinkling nuggets of wisdom(management related here) in each of your poems, I consider it your greatest achievement as a poet.Thank you very much!

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‘And throw the challenge in way that is fun.’…to accept a challenge requires grit and adventurous ‘For in the memories he shall be always alive! ’ such types of boss always stay as engraved in the hearts of juniors and deserves so… Your indebtedness to your boss is amazing…and encouraging to youngs too 10+. Ms. Nivedita UK

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Jasbir Chatterjee 22 May 2010

You were very lucky indeed to have a boss whom you admired, adored and respected...

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