A Place Well Hidden Poem by Jennifer Batch

A Place Well Hidden

Charming, endearing, quite a gentleman was he
Who beguiled her with his quintessential ways
Unsure, insecure, quite naive was she
Who found herself enraptured in his sublime presence
Ensnared with promises of wondrous love, promises of undying devotion
Unaware it was a guise filled with clever manipulation, filled with woeful deception
Alas, for her tis most assuredly the hardest thing she'll ever do
To face the underlying truth her love is one she hath really never known
The one whom she hath given her heart to, revealed her soul to
Reveled in lustful desire for, allowing only him to quench such desire
Surely her heart bleeds for such a bitterness abounds surrounding her
Bringing no comfort with it's pungent, foul haze of dissemblance
For the one whom she thought embodied a spirit of tender love and giving kindness
Embodies a spirit of malice and deceit in such a sly, hidden manner
Perhaps she was meant to remain unwittingly naive
Unknowing she was being played upon, the recipient of cruelness
A cold and cunning cruelness for it was well hidden behind a charming smile
Well hidden behind a plea of innocence, well hidden behind a soft touch
Alas, twas so well hidden within an enchantment that when at last revealed
She thought herself to be filled with madness, for surely madness it must be
Yes, tis madness to be sure though not within her mind or soul
Within the maddening hour of darkness falls an assembly of past and present deeds
Bringing with it something that cannot be looked upon with denial
Something that most assuredly forces her to face the truth
A place well hidden, tis the true nature of her love's soul
Oh, how the jagged edge of truth doth tear her heart apart
Leaving behind a vast desire to escape unchained into another's world

Jennifer Batch

Jennifer Batch

Bowling Green Ohio
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