A Life Tree Poem by Harindhar Reddy

A Life Tree

Rating: 4.5

Lo! A seed is sown,
a little plant is grown with
its roots deeper than
ocean - flowers bloomed,
branches spread country
wide, reaches sky, higher than
soul can hope or mind
can reach, I saw this wonder
umpteen times awe! That
is keeping the stars apart
hello, I named it Lifetree -

Each word weighs a ton,
It's often carried in my
lorry - I named it heart-tree.

(A combination of two forms a Chōka & Katauta)

Chōka is one of many forms of 'Waka'. Waka is a famous traditional of Japanese poetry.
Syllable count of Chōka: Repetition of 5 and 7 on phrases, with a last phrase containing 7 on. Ex: 5-7-5-7-5-7...5-7-7

Katauta form with syllable count: 5-7-7)
Geetha Jayakumar 09 July 2014

Beautiful Poem. Both the verses for life tree and heart tree is wonderful. Very true said life tree spread down to it's roots deeper than ocean and branches spread country wide, while heart tree is filled with heavy tons of words, which needed a lorry to carry. Thank for the notes, something new I can learn..loved reading it.

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Harindhar Reddy 19 May 2020

Thank you so much for such a beautiful comment on the poem 🙏🙏👍👍

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Hans Vr 08 July 2014

beautiful poem. The images are very well chosen.

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Harindhar Reddy 19 May 2020

I'm grateful for your amazing review on the poem 🙏🙏👍👍

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Colleen Courtney 09 June 2014

Love both of these verses. It's also wonderful that you experiment with the different forms of writing of poetry, which is something I haven't been brave enough to try yet! Kudos to you!

1 1 Reply
Harindhar Reddy 19 May 2020

Thank you for such an impressive review on the poem 🙏🙏👍 t

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Harindhar Reddy

Harindhar Reddy

Haliya, Hyderabad, India
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