A Childhood Remembered Poem by miesha devres

A Childhood Remembered

Time out
No re-do's, no backsies
Let's keep it moving, shall we?
No time to waste on a spent childhood
Can't go back to life simplified
Tea parties in flowery church hats and oversized heels
Imagination running rampant across the table
Split personalities to your left, right and middle
Pouring cups overflowing with laughter, joy, and innocence
With a hint of candy flavor
But thats of little consequence now
We're adults
Got papers to write, bills to pay, errands to run
No time for silly games
Tag across a weed-grown field
Breathless yet ready for a chase
Stamina generated by a carefree essence
Surrounded by besties met ten minutes prior, life is easy
Nevertheless, now its not a game
Not a plaything, not a toy
Business to get done, rest to be had
No staying up reading comic books under the sheets
In fear that mom would discover that you are up past your bedtime
Now we relish in 4 straight hours of sleep,5 or 6 if we're lucky
No sneaking to watch the late-night static-filled channels
Where an occasional moan could be heard and an arched back could be glimpsed
Now we rush into clinics, bodies tensed in anxiety about what happened last night
Over-the-counter drug deal of Plan B since Plan A decided to suddenly be missing that night
No one to tell us 'Eat your vegetables' as we pick up a lonely utensil
Begrudgingly shoveling broccoli down our throats
While sneaking a stalk to Rover under the table
Now we can choose to consume an abundance of sugar, with a side of sodium, and a nice big helping of obesity
And once it catches up to us and we're stuck thinking
'Maybe Hydroxy-Cut will do the trick, '
We're wishing we could go back and have someone moderate our intake
So while we're begging to return to a childhood spent
We can't live in retrospect
Reminisce, yes
Treasure, always
Commemorate, sure
But brood, no
relive, never
revive, definitely not
So grow up now
But do take time to have fun
Live for today
And make adulthood just as fulfilling as a childhood remembered.

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miesha devres

miesha devres

Memphis, TN, USA
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