(979) Pathological Liar Poem by Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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Melvina Germain
Sydney, Nova Scotia
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(979) Pathological Liar

Rating: 3.6

Someone who has
a hole
in their soul.
Seeking attention
through lies told.
A person with
a character
so weak,
they believe every
they speak.

Written: June 28,2007

Theodora Onken 29 June 2007

Awesome writing melvina. As usual! Best wishes, Theo

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David Harris 29 June 2007

Mel, short it may be, the point was driven well home with this one. Beautifully written as always. Top marks and thanks for sharing it my friend. David

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Andrew mark Wilkinson 29 June 2007

Another poem with a message mel..10

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Elysabeth Faslund 07 July 2007

And I thought truth couldn't get simpler, until I read this by Melvina. Oh, do you ever weild a sharp, poetic knife! ! A mistress of words and sharpness of getting to the rock bottom core of the matter! ! ! Great, as always! xxElysabeth

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Peter Stavropoulos 01 July 2007

Powerful concise poem, Melvina. The twist at the end made me think twice, and look at myself. I think if we look carefully at every word we speak I'm not sure that we would find them all truthful no matter how truthful we try to be.

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so concise yet says it all. and undoubtly true for I know a few of them personally

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JoAnn McGrath 29 June 2007

Mel....Another strong piece of work from you....thanks for sharing and caring

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Marvin Brato 29 June 2007

This tactful poetry made me think of some greedy politicians and their erring supporters in my country... THE PATHOLOGICAL LIARS AND THE WEAKLINGS! Double 10.

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Melvina Germain

Melvina Germain

Sydney, Nova Scotia
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Melvina Germain
Sydney, Nova Scotia
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