70 Years Old Poem by Jim Yerman

70 Years Old

(I wrote this poem when I turned 60…already somewhat old and gray
and now that I'm am 70…it's still appropriate today.

I've lived through another decade with family and friends still sharing hopes and dreams and fears…and if we're all lucky you'll be reading this poem again…
when I turn 80 in ten years.)

I have always felt a little lucky for all the blessings I've received
not the least is having a birthday that falls on New Year's Eve.

When I was young I was astonished to think everyone on Earth
would come together with friends and family just to celebrate of my birth.

Even perfect strangers would meet in places like Times Square
to watch a ball drop, kiss each other, then throw confetti in the air.

Of course I now know that kind of thinking was, with innocence, deluded
because all the partying and confetti comes once my birthday has concluded.

Yes, it seems all those people who gather, all those strangers, all my friends
are not happy that my birthday's here, but happy when it ends.

But that hasn't stopped me from thinking how by fate I have been kissed
and has help create inside me an eternal optimist.

I guess that's why when Deborah asks about a gift, when she finally inquires
my answer is the same each year...I have everything I desire.

I have a wife whom I love and who will love me till the end
I was lucky when I married Deborah to have married my best friend.

I have children who I've seen grow up and now that I'm old and gray
are happy and still love me despite…mistakes I've made along the way

I have grandchildren who ever since they were the tiniest little blokes
have loved me and, more important, still laugh at all my jokes.

OK, it's possible over the years their laughter has turned to moans
but a Pop Pop only hears the laughter…where other's hear the groans.

I have been very lucky, yes truly blessed indeed
for life has set before me everything I'll ever need.

Which is the reason in the face of proof to the contrary….
I still wholeheartedly believe….
why so many people come together to celebrate
my birthday…New Year's Eve.

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