291. Man Is The Maker Of His Own Destiny Poem by Dipankar Sadhukhan

291. Man Is The Maker Of His Own Destiny

Man is the maker of his own destiny
As it depends on how much he is devoted to his work.
None but a man with positive mentality can win in life.
Designed with ambition, determination and diligence one can
Illuminate his life and personality.
Rearing virtues like honesty, grace, self-sacrifice a man can
Add beauty and greatness to his character.

Man is mortal but he can live forever
Unless he possesses cowardice, hatred, falsity and narrowness.
Knowledge, intelligence, patience, meditation and love teach one
How to be a great person.
Error in judgement causes his downfall.
Removing vices like enmity, dishonesty, greediness,
Jealousy, pride and arrogance
Everyone shall walk on the way to success and
Enter the world of beauty, love and happiness.

By Dipankar Sadhukhan
Kolkata, India.

Bernard F. Asuncion 27 June 2017

Such an inspiring composition sunmitted here... Rated 10++++ You may visit my CUP OF TEA, LIVE ANOTHER NEW DAY, THE LAST SAD LOSS AND FALL, and MAKING THE RIGHT DECISION. Thanks, Dipankar👍

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Kumarmani Mahakul 09 October 2016

You are true in your expression in this poem here. Man is mortal but soul is eternal. Humanity should be nice value. Man writes his own destiny by his action. Nice sharing.10

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