0976.Mata Amritanandamayi-Truth Is Not Enough Poem by amma and rajappa

0976.Mata Amritanandamayi-Truth Is Not Enough

Truth is not enough
“He who learns must suffer. And even in our sleep pain that cannot forget falls dropp by dropp upon the heart, and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.”-Aeschylus, Agamemnon

Mounting pressure on marriage
Made you decide a run away
Perchance reading of a newspaper bit
Bearing the news of a miserable story
Of a young girl who ran out of her home
Made thee nullify the option forever

Repeated persecution lynching thy soul
Pushing you my Mother to kill yourself
By jumping into the sea, your blissful friend
Mercy of God instilling some courage
Power of reasoning dawned in your mine
The peak of enquiry on the self supreme
Made you ask questions and seek the answers,
“Who is dying and who is killed”
“Who is taking birth and who can harass? ”
Introspection leading thy self
Self killing psyche died away fast!

Sleeping in others’ house
And eating from others’
Made you vomit
The food that was cooked
By the people so worldly;
This peculiarity made you fast
Quite often than needed
And made you skip sleep
To adhere to thy principle!

Fear of missing thy Lord
Made you remain awake
Even after the burden
Of the routine works at home!
Suffering of others and their craving for money
Chiseled great sympathy for the poor souls sear,
Questions came like bullets hitting the hidden Lord
“Am I alone in this world?
Like leaves flourishing in the warmth
And the feed of the ground
Again fading with age and falling onto the ground
Becoming the feed themselves
The creatures of the world,
Float loftily on ignorance
Unable to find any true relative”
“Mistaking things for permanence,
Forgive those pities my my Prabhu!
They will never know it’s a dream
In the deep sleep of their ego
The real self is submerged
In the suppressive thoughts of “I”
Love and hate making their turns
Good and bad alternating
Beautiful and awful losing their pace
We are incapable of discrimination”

“Don’t allow the eternity
To swallow my self in its hollow blank
Insane thoughts have engulfed me
Immensity of space I may be ignorant of
Save my soul frightened every second
I am astonished for being here alone
Rather than roaming along with thee,
Cover my soul with Thy supreme love
It is all you who put me here! ”
A few questions and answers:

Disciple: Master! What is the means to gain the state of eternal bliss, ever devoid of misery?

Shri Ramana Maharishi: Apart from the statement in the Veda that wherever there is body there is misery, this is also the direct experience of all people; therefore, one should enquire into one's true nature which is ever bodiless, and one should remain as such. This is the means to gaining that state.

Disciple: Swami! It is often said and felt that none escapes maya or illusion. Everyone falls a victim to the influence of maya. So, man is prone to delusion. Then Swami, a person who has known what maya is and has been out of maya, how is it that he gets into the trap again?
Bhagavan Sri Sathya Sai Baba: Think of this situation. When it is dark what happens to light? Where does it go? Similarly, when there is light, where does the darkness that was present till the light came, go? Absence of light is darkness. Darkness does not flow or run away. Because of the light, it is not noticed. Once the light is put off, it will be dark as before. Here light is wisdom, darkness is ignorance or maya or delusion or avidya. To dispel the darkness the only thing to do is light a candle.
Your question is, how the darkness of ignorance comes back again having been dispelled once already by the light of wisdom. A simple example. Many travel by bus. As the bus speeds forward along the rugged roads, we find the dust rising behind the bus so long as it is on a continuous run. But, the moment the bus stops the whole lot of dust collects inside. All of it just blows into the bus. Similarly, human life is a bus. So long as it is on the move of sadhana, the dust of illusion stays behind. But, if the bus of life stops or halts sadhana, the dust of delusion will get into life. So, it is sadhana that keeps you unaffected by delusion. If you stop sadhana you will again become a victim of maya. Therefore, you can never take it for granted that you are rid of maya in your lifetime. It is your constant sadhana that helps you.


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