amma and rajappa

amma and rajappa Poems

Questioner: Amma, how can I serve You?

Amma: By serving others selflessly.

'To experience supreme everlasting joy,

the supreme sacrifice is required:

Divinity finding its expression
Acceptance of the masses
Forthcoming with piety
Krishnabhava, oneness with Krishna

Dear Readers

I wanted to write on Mata my Mother; one of friends started this project and stopped halfway; I repeated told that if this was not going to be completed I would take up the project and complete; and got an yes as the reply and I started in the year 2009 on the 24 th of December with a salutation to Lalithambika.

Dear Readers

i have starting trouble; let me start somewhere; after 2-3 episodes i will settle down with the proper format and formula

Like the pupa
You protected me in thy womb!
Why do you wail after my birth?
Is it because I am a girl?

Prayer Song to Mother

We live like fish

I am the mother of the wicked, as I am the mother of the virtuous. Never fear. Whenever you are in distress, say to yourself, 'I have a mother.'
Shri Sarada Devi
Unsolicited Grace

In this universe it is love that binds everything together. Love is the very foundation, beauty and fulfillment of life.

Mata Amritanandamayi

The mother is everything - she is our consolation in sorrow, our hope in misery, and our strength in weakness. She is the source of love, mercy, sympathy, and forgiveness. He who loses his mother loses a pure soul who blesses and guards him constantly.

Kahlil Gibran

….and His mother followed Him, whom even a yogi’s mind, well conditioned by practice and austerity, fails to reach without His grace!

Bhagavatam 10: 9

Questioner: “Amma, you hug everyone; who hugs you? ”

Amma: “The entire creation hugs amma; Amma and creation are in eternal embrace! ”

You should be like the Sun, not like the firefly;
Fireflies make light merely for their own needs;
Selflessness is all you should ever wish for;
You should be the ones who raise their hands to help others, even at the moment of your death!

(Today is the second death anniversary day of my eldest sister who was our mother and the force behind this person writing this episode; I pray Amma to bless the soul of my great sister who was also a symbol of love and sacrifice)
“Don't be afraid. Human birth is full of suffering and one has to endure everything patiently, taking the name of God. None, not even God in human form, can escape the sufferings of body and mind. “

”I tell you one thing my child - if you want peace, do not find fault with others. Rather, see your own faults”

Hushed Silence

Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.

No matter how deeply one immerses oneself in work, a haunting feeling of inescapable tragedy persists
Albert Einstein in a letter to queen Elizabethof Belgium dt 9 1 1939
It was as if the ground had been pulled out from under one, with no firm foundation to be seen anywhere, upon which one could have built…….Albert Eintein on “ Quantum”

Wherever a man turns he can find someone who needs him. ~Albert Schweitzer


From all these experiences I clearly understood that the world is full of sorrow; we have no true relations, for all our relatives love us only to fulfil their selfish needs; only God loves us with selfless love……………….Mata Amritanandamayi

You the child labour, my mother

Dear Readers,

Through this episode I pray Amma to bless one of Her sweetest children with an admission; that child is bleeding from the heart; Amma! Have mercy on that child and help please! Wipe those hot tears my Mother of mothers!

Dear Readers
Today being mother’s day, and being a motherless child from the age of 5 I offer my this special poem to all mothers.
My eyes suggested

amma and rajappa Biography

i am from a small village in search of love that does not find fault with me, that never pushes me out... ' Mother ' is one great thing that fascinates me...the love, the selflessness, the grace, the dedication and many that are inherent in that greatest species...even i fail to find the synonyms for Mother and Motherhood... Mata Amritha-i have taken Her as a symbol of Motherhood who is a living Goddess Amma defines Motherhood as: Motherhood, in its ultimate sense, has nothing to do with bearing a child, but with love, compassion and selflessness. It lies in totally giving to others. it was in my mind to write about Her; with Her blessing i start this mission i follow the philosophy: 'It’s better get worn out than rust away')

The Best Poem Of amma and rajappa

0993.Mata Amritanandamayi-The Course Of Love

Questioner: Amma, how can I serve You?

Amma: By serving others selflessly.

Questioner: What can I do to make You happy?

Amma: Help others feel happy. That indeed makes Amma happy.

Questioner: Amma, don’t you want anything from me?

Amma: Yes, Amma wants you to be happy.

Srutheenaamagamye suvaedaagamagnae,
Mahimnoa na jaananthi paaram thavaambha,
Sthuthim karthumichchaami thae thwam Bhavaani,
Sramasvaeda mathra pramugdhaha kilaaham.

Oh Mother Bhavani! I wish to praise you!
Oh knower of Vedas and Aagamas!
You are unattainable through sciptures!
People do not know the extent of your greatness!
You please forgive this act of mine!
I am indeed foolish!

Adi Sankara in Bhavani Bhujangam-13

At five thy age, entering grade I, once heard
Forgotten never excelling seniors, brothers and sisters
Eloquence in reciting the lessons overheard by chance
Saraswathi-incarnate Thee stood first all along
Singing and dancing either for lesson or
Drenching with devotion
Engaging thy play time for completing the school hold
For dancing with Krishna with the extra time extracted
Helping thy mother in household as ever,
Never did ye forget the Lord that is entrapped in thy eye!

“Hey infatuating beauty
Captivating many hearts
Intoxicates thy smile
The gleam of your pearl teeth!
Hold on my darling!
How can I hold your joy
That rejoices the Universe!
Can the lotus oppose the moon?
I open the petals of my eyes
Kiss them my prince with
The rays of Thy grace
Like the cool of a breeze! ”

Little two rooms and a box like kitchen
Unable to contain an array of children,
Annexure near cowshed
Accommodated three souls,
One was you my mother
Potichi the barber girl and baby
Forming a group of refugees three!
Love of that mother Potichi the fortunate
Taking you on her hips
With the love of that’s inborn
Love begetting love!

Again as a tribute to motherhood which Amma symbolizes, I want to present the readers with the episode involving Amma and another Amma.

One point to be noted is Amma, the creator of this universe cries, while She sees Her children crying!

A woman devotee with tears during darshan, “Amma all the chickens in our area are sick; our hen is also starting to get sick, Amma wont you please save her? “

A brahmachari thought this woman was bothering Amma on a trivial matter

Amma cast him a severe glance that made him shiver.

Then Amma gave holy ashes to that woman and advised her to spread on the hen.

After this Amma called the brahmachari “Son you don’t understand her suffering; the only income that woman has is from the eggs’ sale she gets from this hen; her family will starve if the hen dies; that woman spends part of that income to come over here; knowing how she struggles Amma gives her money for the bus fare now and then; look at her attitude of surrender, even in the midst of misery”

Amma gets tears while she thinks of this episode.

“One who eats to his heart’s content does not know the pain of hunger. You have to starve to know this pain”

“Don’t compare one person to another; think from their level; only then we can understand their concerns and console them”

1 3 2010

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