Paul Mariani Poems

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Quid Pro Quo

Just after my wife's miscarriage (her second
in four months), I was sitting in an empty
classroom exchanging notes with my friend,
a budding Joyce scholar with steelrimmed

The Gods Who Come Among Us In The Guise Of&Nbsp;Strangers

Late nights, with summer moths clinging
to the screens & the shadows of the Old Great
flickering across the tv screen, suddenly,
there would be Charlie's inquisitorial head

The Great Wheel

In the Tuileries we came upon the Great Wheel
rising gargantuan above the trees. Evening
was coming on. An after-dinner stroll, descending
by easy stages toward the river, a bridge of leaves


After so much time you think
you'd have it netted
in the mesh of language. But again
it reconfigures, slick as Proteus.


Beyond the moon, beyond planet blue
and planet red, each day further
from the sun she floats out toward

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