Magod Scroef Poems

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The Citizenship

In a land of freedom and dreams,
Where liberty's torch always gleams,
Lies the heart of a nation, bold and grand,
Where citizenship proudly takes its stand.

Love Internal Beauty

InIn a world obsessed with the external guise,
Where beauty's judged by color and size,
There lies a gem, a rare divine grace,
Love finds its home in an internal space.

Sinister Hights

On Sinister Heights, where shadows loom,
A chilling tale begins to bloom;
A haunted place, where darkness thrives,
And evil whispers through the lives.

Church Street

In bustling town where stories unfold,
Lies a street famous, a tale untold,
A place where solace and faith convene,
Church Street, oh, heavenly serene.

Love As Roses You Glare

In a garden of love, where roses delight,
Their beauty so captivating, a heavenly sight,
Petals like silk, in hues so rare,
Love as roses you glare, with a tender stare.

Hence You See

Hence you see, the world's a tapestry
A mosaic of moments woven gracefully
Each thread carrying a story, untold
As life's mysteries steadily unfold

People Of The Stars

In galaxies afar they shine,
People of the stars divine.
With stardust in their veins that glow,
A universe in their hearts they show.

Carnivore King Stomach

In the wild jungle, there was a king so fierce,
His stomach growled, a sound that pierced.
A carnivore, he devoured all in his way,
His hunger unyielding, day after day.

Streets That Race

In the heart of the city where dreams embrace,
The beating pulse of streets that race.
A symphony of engines intertwined,
As restless souls chase their piece of mind.

Pure Delightful Love

In the realm of hearts, where angels fly,
Where love's pure essence fills the sky,
A story unfolds, a tale unmatched,
Of pure delightful love, forever hatched.

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