Muzahidul Reza Ode Poems

Ode To The Moon

Ode To The Moon
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Usually after the sun's disappear

Ode To A Poet

Ode To A Poet

Hey poet!

Ode To My Mind

All The Belongings
The Precious Stones
The Costly Jewelleries
The Favorite Car, Houses

Ode To Life

Life, my daily pulsatile life
My dreamy, inventive, joyous and rustic life,
How are you like?
Give me your full identity that I can like;

Ode To My Country

Ode To My Country
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O, my country! My shelterer! ! My beloved! ! ! My lover! ! ! !

Ode To The Bees

From so early morning bees, you start
To succeed your day contributing much honey to hive
As if, it is your life;

Ode To March, The Month Of Independence (An Horatian Ode)

(Ode To March, The Month Of Independence - An Horatian Ode)

March, again you have come
Holding the history from 1971,

Ode To The Wind

Every breath I take you in
So dearly useful you, the wind!

Otherwise, I cannot live

Horatian Ode To Robert Lee Frost

Horatian Ode To Robert Lee Frost
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Robert Frost, you wanted to remove frost

Ode To The Tree

The tree
The Sahabi tree
The blessed tree
The significant tree

Ode To My Child - 1

My child, my adorable one, I see you
One of our future generations
In growing, behaving, talking, doing;
A lot of advice I preserve for you

Ode To The Kind

Fill your great mind fully with kindness, o, all the kind
And make a wide and deep flow from it to mankind,

Your mind is now a large cup full of unending wine

Ode To A River (An Horatian Ode)

(An Horatian Ode: To A River)

O, river! You are flowing forever
Originating from that of mountains

To The Home Side River (An Horatian Ode)

(An Horatian Ode To The Home Side River)

O, river, my home tune singing river
I like and love thee more than spring

Ode To My Love

Crossing the long distance my mind visits You,
My Love!
Though in body to meet You now
Is quite tough;

Ode To My Son

My son, erase the word totally
People usually say, "Failure"
From the very dictionary
You always look over;

Ode To Love

O, Love! Our Love! ! Soft Love! ! ! Pure Love! ! ! !
The world is full of dire hatred, envy, enmity
You, soft Love will visit it is quite tough,

Ode To The Window Side Bird

Ode To The Window Side Bird
April 1, 2019

Everyday since dawn

Ode To The Mirror

My keeking glass! My reflecting glass! ! My mirror! ! !
How wonderful you are! ! ! !
To show me my outer figure;

Ode To My Village Side River

Ode To My Village Side River
February 22, 2019

O, river! By your fertile side I walked so much

Ode To The Sea

Ode To The Sea
September 30, 2023

O, sea, I am on your beach

Ode To The Bard Of Time

Ode To The Bard Of Time
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The bard of time, thou art

Mind (Acrostic Ode)

M -y mind, remind me motion and emotion I need in time
I -n me you memorize, remember too much happening, happened
N -umber one reliable source of mine
D -aring I expect your acting, dear mind!

Ode To My Child - 3

My child, be normal
Don't be over emotional
You have one heart there
You may have much pains;

Ode To A Flower

O, flower!
Do clear,

Our guilts

Ode To The Truth

Hey, Truth! Color me;

Only with your own color;

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