Nicanor Parra Comments

Swapon Roy 18 October 2019

Nicanor Parra is absolutely right while he holds that true poems should be anti-poema because now the whole world is cruel antagonist to suffered persona. Now the poems are jokes to cruelly suffered persona. So anti-poems are embodied with threadbare jocks and humors.

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Ann Nelson 24 January 2019

Why not include his poem U.S.A.?

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Stella Gutierrez 23 January 2018

A top poet, never well translated, so I am sorry for those ignorant of Spanish. Got the top Spanish Literary Award the Cervantes hugely deserved. His genius and sense of humour equal to none, absolutely unique talent. I LOVED

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christian ames 13 December 2017

While some poems, or anti poems are interesting, simply by saying they are anti poems is pomposity incarnate. There is a guy here in Salt Lake City, Hector Ahumada, who is pretending to be the next anti poet, and all he does is assume an attitude rather than craft language into a thing separate and, dare I say, beautiful. He too is gettihg up there, but he is a baby compared to Nicanor, only 70. Long live The Queen Mother. I hope you break her record for longevity.

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