Nhuan Xuan Le Poems

Hit Title Date Added
I Have Left Behind

I have left my children to save my own hide
While I could not have prepared them for life
With their kids nobody knows what would betide
To their future and towards which how to strive.


If he won her heart, he would brag
That those who courted her he rose above;
Being in glory, he surely would never nag
At having allegedly misplaced his love!


Nếu chiếm được nàng, chàng sẽ khoe:

Phục chàng, tình-địch hết ho-he!

Just Cause

You asked me to tell about my native land,
And you made as if you did all understand;
But, I was aware you gave to it no priority,
Except to amuse yourself with your curiosity.

Chính Nghĩa

Em hỏi anh về nước Việt quê anh,
Và gật đầu ra vẻ cảm-thông nhanh;
Nhưng anh biết: em không hề chú-trọng
Mà chỉ hiếu-kỳ vớ-vẩn chuyện xung quanh.

Owing To Eve

Of what is good and of what is bad,
The human race owes this knowledge to Eve.
By getting herself and Adam in fig leaves clad,
She was the first human Wisdom to conceive.


I have heard palaver, over historic issues ranged,
Such as, "If Cleopatra's nose had been shorter,
The whole face of the world would have changed! "
But who asked "How? " would be a blabber aborter!

The Year 2000

After the year two thousand, I will be still alive,
And so will other animals and worms.
There still will be vegetables and germs,
And mundane life as ever, rain or shine.

Năm 2000

Sau năm hai ngàn, ta vẫn sống an-nhiên;

Loài súc-vật, loài côn-trùng cũng thế.


If angels are sinless, so as much are babies.
How unjust to hold one liable for ancestral sin?
Angel is substance's nature, sin attribute's rabies
Sinners impregnate the character of growing kin.

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