Nash Thomas

Nash Thomas Poems

My father planted two Rambutans,
On the back side on our lovely home,
Thinking that would bear fruit in right time,
And gain a little by selling the same.

Some will do wonders in life from nothing,
Some will do dreadful in life from everything,
Some will do wonders through words,
Some will do dreadful through words,

I see a man,
A man of silence,
A man of passion,
A passion to do his duty,

Living in the land of inspiration,
Living in the land of motivation,
Living in the land of acceptance,
Even if as an expatriate, is a heaven,

The time has come,
The time has come to prove,
Science makes many mistakes,
Mistakes and mislead millions and millions.

Paul in love,
Fall in love,
Paul in love,
Faul in love,

I feel pity,
Pity, so much pity,
A failure IT admin,
Failed to bring any light,

Memories may be sweet,
Memories may be hard,
Sometimes it may horrible,
Sometime it may terrible.

Before Marriage:
Marriage is a chance,
Invented by a Priest,
A, Satirist social reformer,

Fear less life,
Fear less life,
Only through free state,
Only through democracy,

If you do something,
If your inner mind,
Lost its rhythm,
Do't do it,

Once I saw a man of inspiring speech,
He was an inborn orator,
Delivering ocean of positive words,
With powerful speech and action,

I fix a target,
To write hundred poems in a day,
I will note the date and time,
Poems will be made in system,

All are in sadness a reality,
All are in glad a fantasy,
We all look for a fantasy,
To escape from the unkind fate.

For a common man
- - - - - - - - -
A sword in the hands of a king,

We are yet to see the mode of freestyle,
We are yet to see the style of democracy,
All were lost due to IAS,
Youth should unite together and fight for justice,

Life of poets, mostly a tragic one,
Full of painful days, mourning for daily needs,
Many were unseen during lifetime,
Many were seen only after the lifetime,

Expressing in simple words,
With passion, love, and care,
Might be a real task for many,
If you know only simple words-,

All are elements of poetry,
All are elements of poetry,
Nature, wildlife, the play of cats,
The mannerism of dogs, pet animals,

Digital India - Poem by Nash Thomas
Prior to 2014, digital India was a wild dream,
After 2014, digital India became a dream,
Now, digital India is a reality,

Nash Thomas Biography

Born in India, Kerala at Kadammanitta in the Year 1979.He is a member of the Institute of Cost and Management Accountants of India, A statutory body set up under the Act of Parliament.Also he majored in Commerce from M. G. University, Kottayam.He developed a new theory to learn accountancy within hours 'Logical Theory on Accountancy, '.The book based on that theory in non-technical and non-academic platform will be released.His work is protected under US copyright vide Reg No and date. TXu001870258/2013-05-28 Email:

The Best Poem Of Nash Thomas

The Real Fruit

My father planted two Rambutans,
On the back side on our lovely home,
Thinking that would bear fruit in right time,
And gain a little by selling the same.

Days and times were passing,
It rose to fifty plus feet high,
Flowered many times at right time,
But, failed to bear fruits all the time.

But we aren't like to cut the tree-
For want of firewood,
Even if, we are short of it.

When it raises to heights,
Lovely leaves and branches raise in air,
Showing the gifted joy of nature,
We all filled with joy.
Air is lovely with the play of birds,
Air is lovely by the voices of squirrels,
Air is filled with the joy of birds,
Air is filled with the dancing music,
Squirrels and birds make master band,
That comes from the heart of joy,
That comes from the heart of open will,
I like to keep a chair near the tree,
While reading books in my collections,
How fine it is to hear the music,
How fine it to sit in the divine music,
All, make trees a nice playground.
How fine it to keep an eye on the play,
Squirrels and birds make master band,
Trumpet by lovely squirrels filled in air,
Lovely music of birds filled there,
All are filled with joy,
We aren't like to cut the tree,
For, want of firewood.
Even if, we are short of it.

Nash Thomas

Nash Thomas Comments

Nash Thomas Quotes

Many are in severe trial in life mainly due to three facts, ignorance, vengeance, misuse of power from the part of power and authority.

Love for love is rare to see, what we have been experiencing from the timeless time is meant for something other than true love.

Democracy without enacting No Fear Act is just like an autocracy with an awesome mask.

A nice word during dark time is like a glow worm in the deepest darkness.

Democratic country with colonial laws and taxation is just like the marriage of young man of twenty five with an old woman of over fifty. The purpose will not serve.

India will feel democratic style of administration only after the same fully is free from colonial type civil service administration.

Stage fear is the greatest fear and due to the same many brilliant plans were in closed chamber for ever.

Those person having brilliant ideas may always suffer from lack of funds and those person who has surplus funds may always suffer from lack of brilliant ideas. If both were happened in opposite manner, law of the country may not allow them to implement the same. See the depth of twisted realities in life, due to the same we have been suffering since our birth.

Politicians have the power to communicate with the people, academicians have the power to communicate with the politicians. If any reverse order happens, better things will happen, otherwise worst will happen all the time.

We need Gibberish sites for poems in every country. That site will make many Osho, to explain the beauty of Gibberish techniques in life.

When you have much creativity, the society will try to limit the same. When we lack creativity, the society will spend millions to inject the same. How is the administrative fun in the world? .

You remember me only when you see as a very little child in naked state. You always try to recall the same and announce the same in public. I have been in well dressed manner about four decades, but you cannot see that truth. Are the problems rest with me or you. Let the public may decide.

In this era, Master of Computer Science is better than IAS to deliver easy solutions for the public. First one is good at providing techno solutions and the second one is good at creating issues from the solutions.

A noted critic was invited for a ceremonial function of a famous cine artist. He said, ' As an actor, I have no opinion, but as a charity man, I have sincere and positive opinion on him.' Some statements in life are hard to understand its real meaning.Complex mathematics may be a better option.

The word tax is the greatest taxing job for tax collection. It will be become much more easy if the same were represented as voluntary and statutory contribution.

When you are not becoming a public figure, your wise words become mere a nice words and when you are become a public figure, your mere nice words become words of Solomon. Better to become a public figure at the earliest.

The Statue of Unity in India must be a Statue of Unity through Statute. If someone speaks against the same, it is just like putting water over a matchbox in the morning and complaining lack of means to fire the firewood, when an aged is starving for bed coffee.

A child is due to a father. But the father has no any right to kill the child.If IAS Officers in PSUs have such a logic, most of the issues will be over for ever.

There are six types of looting in a society. Organized looting with full of social recognition. Educational looting, medical looting, legal looting, administrative looting, political and religious looting.A nation becomes free only when a common man is absolutely free from these six types of looting.

Some administrators openly declare ' I am the Supreme Court, I am the High Court and I am the lower Courts.' Such administrators always bring issues to the public even though they enjoys pivotal position in the cadre.

A bad word from the administrator is sharpen than the smart knife with diamond tip, that makes you scratch your mind daily and bleeds you daily even after ten years.

Rarely we can see a mix of Herod, Caiaphas and Jude in one person. If you could find such a fellow, it is your duty to inform the public at the earliest. This is to protect the son of man from a vested cross in life.

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