Myra Livingston

Myra Livingston Poems

We are
Given light wings,
Parachutes, downy legs

The maple syrup's full of ants.
A mouse is creeping on the shelf.

Is that a spider on your back?


When it was time
for Show and Tell,
Adam brought a big pink shell.

He told about
the ocean roar
and walking on the sandy shore.

And then he passed
the shell around.
We listened to the water sound.

And that's the first time
I could hear
the wild waves calling to my ear.

January shivers,
February shines,
March blows off
the winter ice,
April makes the
mornings nice,
May is hopscotch lines.

June is
deep blue swimming,
Picnics are July,
August is
my birthday,
September whistles by.

October is
for roller skates,
November is
the fireplace,
December is
the best because
of sleds
and snow
and Santa Claus.

Myra Livingston Biography

An acclaimed poet for children, Myra Cohn Livingston was born in Omaha, Nebraska, and grew up in California. She was educated at Sarah Lawrence College. Myra Cohn Livingston died of cancer at the age of 70.)

The Best Poem Of Myra Livingston

Trees: The Seeds

We are
Given light wings,
Parachutes, downy legs
That we may be carried aloft
By wind
And drop
Where some kind mouse
Will bury us in earth;
Some squirrel will forget we are food,
Leave us
To sprout
Green shoots, to weave
Rootlets, that we may eat
And drink and grow in time our own
Small seed

Myra Livingston Comments

flarflis khan 20 April 2018

nope she stinks jfakdsl; fjaksdl; jkflasdjl; fajslkd fjklasdf

2 11 Reply
fluffy razbapple 16 April 2018

she is one cool person

10 2 Reply
fluffy razbapple 16 April 2018

she still is the greatest poet ever

10 2 Reply
flare nostril 2 16 April 2018

her poems are awesome

10 1 Reply
flare nostril 2 16 April 2018

awesome, just awesome poems

8 3 Reply
Lisa Waldman 25 February 2021

Myra Cohn Livingston was a brilliant and sensitive children's poet.

3 0 Reply
anonomys 16 October 2020

This poet is amazing but people are just filling the comments with just things off topic please stop doing this.

1 0 Reply
I Like pokeman 16 May 2018


3 3 Reply
TwinkieDoge 16 May 2018


2 7 Reply
flarflis khan 20 April 2018

she is the most awesome poet ever

6 3 Reply

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