Munindra (Munnan) Misra Poems

Hit Title Date Added
2.03 Childhood - Youth - Old Age

The three around the fire sitting,
Gossiping of Life and its doings,
Reached a point thought provoking,
Of their journey and life prevailing. [1]

3 A.01. War - What It Be

War - fear cloaked in courage be,
War - a solution can never ever be,
War - but an aggravator surely be,
War - but murder in uniform only be.

3 A.12 Can War A Prelude To Peace Be?

To win or loose a disaster but be,
War can never ever be nice surely,
It settles nothing enrages only,
Can war a prelude to peace be?

4.06 Cause Of Violence

Where wealth without work be,
And commerce without morality; [1]

Where pleasure without conscience be,

4.05 Fear

Fear creates aggressiveness unheedingly,
Fear the most destructive element be,
Fear not natural state of civilized man be,
Yet Fear an emotion crucial for survival be. [1]

4.04 Apology

Just a second insult be a stiff apology,
As the first - when hurt was the party;
Damages for aggrieved no medicine be,
But healing from hurt - the desire only.

2.08 Creation - Destruction

Creation with Destruction quarrelling one day,
And with sheer annoyance did but say,
'You always do be the cause of my ruin,
Unendingly persisting till all you do ruin.' [1]

2.05 Target

As the Hunter reached its side,
And looked down with full pride,
He exclaimed with joy begot,
How well his target he had got. [1]

3 B.04 Give Peace A Chance

Better than a thousand hollow words be,
One word that brings peace from misery,
Without peace no achievement be,
Please - give peace a chance humanity.

4.01 Time

Time - what does it mean to be,
Never existing but changing unceasingly,
With no movement, relaying on it steadily,
Ageless - but ageing other perpetually. [1]

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