Michelle U Poems

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The Way I See Things (Aesthetically Pleasing Metamorphosis)

harmony untouched,
withered souls in their unrest
close weary, old eyes.

Movements And Sounds

Can you hear that great and powerful sound
That brings shock to the earth and the sky?
There has never been anything so fierce.
I walk on this path seeing the grand journey

The Tale Of Christopher Johnson Mccandless

Escaping the world
Of consumerism’s hold
On today’s frail minds.

Far Away

Beauty never seemed so far away like the moon in the day,
The pleasantries of life have slowly passed with your name carved on stone.
Withering, I watch myself give into the winter's cold.
Longing for the moment I feel the warmth of your embrace.


Salvador Dali: The Three Ages

*View the painting by Salvador Dali before, during, and after reading this piece*

Just as frail as birth the mind starts to wander,
Living only to forget the things of the past.

Fury And The Grave

Fury and the Grave are so close in sight.
Deaf to its voice, now I merely can moan.
Bless! Bless the man who stands strong in this plight.

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