melissa fox Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Shall I Sing?

Shall i sing my darkest fears?
the hollow tears,
oh so painfully regretting
ever falling from my eyes

Deep Blue Knight

Deep Blue Knight
I want to jump into the ocean

Just Give Me A Chance

It's strange how I sit here and calculate
nothing makes sense, nothing adds up
everything is twisted I wonder if you relate
can't find a meaning

Beloved Friend

Oh i hear your cries
i know the winds may blow

Never Ever Be The Same

Listen to the birds
they dont s\ing the hymn of joy
they dont sing the hymn of tomorrow

Raining Tainted Blood

On this day of darkened skies
a withered hand soaks up the lies
through writhing guilt and petrified fear
i learn to listen with just one ear

Life Is A Dance

Dancing is my passion
Living is my fashion
As I dance to my own beat
Sit in my own seat

Don'T Let Me Go

Too late tonight
to see past the dark and see the light
its too late to keep on going
so I hand you off

My Best Friend

Sometimes I wish the tear in my eye
Would just stop welling up and dry
Have you no sight of the pain in my heart?
Like a knife you slice thru

Wishing Doesnt Give A Penny

Rainbows caught in a jar
so placid and perfect
they dance in colors of the dreams i've had
they swirl in my deja vu

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