Mark Hamilton

Mark Hamilton Poems

Men of steel, men of tungsten,
wing their arrers at the quivering board!

Arena rumbles like disco,

The cold grey light of morning
is creeping at the window;
you turn to me in your sleep,
burrowing over,

I wish there was a God
who would strike me down,
hold my nose to the dust
and give me orders

(Barcelona 2-1 Arsenal
Champions League Final,17 May 2006)

Unable to sleep, I slip out for a fag
at 3.30am
and am amazed by the moon,
hanging like a burnished half-shield

This coffee is like a miracle:
oil-slick black,
thick as night,
a transmutation of water

(Arsenal 3-2 Hull City, aet
FA Cup Final
17 May 2014)

It is not sad, this light.
It is a trick of the…
a trick of my eyes, which watch
the world through their own sad filter,

Dull afternoon sky
like a bruised fruit;
leaves peeling off the trees like
unplayed notes,

The streets are quiet in these limbo days
that hang between the bright lights
of Christmas and the percussion
of a bubbling New Year,

Mark Hamilton Biography

I work as a freelance copywriter and communications consultant based in Bristol, England. I have been writing poetry since my teenaged years - inspired by a range of poets from Larkin to Heaney and Yeats to Hopkins (one can only dream oneself!) . You can find me on Twitter @mhamilton1509)

The Best Poem Of Mark Hamilton

Let's Play Darts!

Men of steel, men of tungsten,
wing their arrers at the quivering board!

Arena rumbles like disco,
crowd pumps and sways in the aisles:
performance, panto, stand-up this,
fronted by men tattooed like sailors,
bellied like whales on a piratical sea,
larger than land-lubbered life.

But there's a deadly seriousness
at the heart of it.
Nerves must be of steel
as the tension rises
and they land huge scores
against each other
like boxers trading massive blows.

The fight swings this way, that,
the air thickens, sweat runs
like beer…

These men are like titans at the business end
shouldering a pressure
would crush a mere mortal,
burst his brains to smithereens!

But these our players
butch it out with never a flicker
until one man triumphs,
nails the wheeling world
with a nerveless sequence
of minute, unstoppable courage:

triple twenty…bull…double eight! ! !

So comedy explodes itself into meaning
and pantomime players become great.

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