Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Cannot Figure It Out [revised]

I can close my eyes when an image disturbs me;
but even when pressing fingers tightly in my ears
sound still intrudes, harsh voices wreak a timbre
worse than any other pain inflicted, I increased

Head Over Heels [revised]

Arrived at the beach, ran into the high-tide sea
to be turned head over heels and washed back
to the shore whiplashed with sand all over me,
smashed while tumbling in the waves, teaching

Rock-Strewn Sea [revised]

Broken through today's great boredom curve
fighting to ride the tide of new surroundings,
from a round high-edged table on which to
type to swimming in a rock-strewn sea where

Mindless Delight

Not swimming nor riding waves,
but floating to become one with
the undulating waves and the
sphere of the sky, floating -

Thus Bliss To Just Exist [rev.]

My wish is to tell how marvellous this is - when a
modern physicist doing stem cell research claims
consciousness existed before the physical world
came into being - therewith corroborating tenets

My Heart Is Heavy [rev.]

A lovely lunch break while wandering
about resembling an ambulant chintz
curtain - found a pullover and scarf to
hide the fashion fiasco, also a perfect

Choose To Be Free [rev.]

Sceptics can debunk any idea because
EVERYTHING is TRUE, every assertion
and all its opposites are simultaneously
true equally - only belief provides proof

Splits Again And Again

The universe split again, felt it going plop as
the pastor and his church veered off down a
different line, one where civilisation's whole is
destroyed at Armageddon by a jealous God

Cheated Without Mystery [revised]

For my Pension status update I ran down
to the downstairs Fund, and sprinted back
faster than lightning - their office so hot I
near fried in overpowering, nose-curdling

Flibbertigibbetery [revised]

Mimi, soliloquising non-stop in an ongoing
monologue, is driving me into the arms of
singers like the late Bill Flynn who jests by
singing senseless rhymes to arias of great

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