Margaret Alice Second Poems

Hit Title Date Added
Slowly Freeze [rev]

Slowly Freeze [Rev]
I feel a magnificent emptiness within, a rational calm
resigned to a lack of passion & perfectly bureaucrat
in terms of objective realisation results of my activity

Light And Incense [rev]

Singing opera, dancing and twirling, carolling and
marching to my tongue's clicking; this October my
daughter is coming home from Fort Lauderdale -
it's a long flight, an age to wait, I want to look deep

Their Worthiness [rev]

Only the pompous and pedantic self-righteous go
straight to heaven, that is self-evident - a few are
already living heaven on earth given their belief in
their own rights & goodness, and let's be honest -

Celestial Heights [rev]

I press the earphones into my ears as deep as
they'll go, swaying to the music; standing in the
office new life is pulsating through me and the
light is brighter - music more exciting

A Reverse Racist

I'm so thankful to have a good mate who takes
pains to kindly inform me that everything I say
is wrong, every feeling I cherish is beside the
point and I have no right to criticize anyone as

The New Burkini [rev]

Our Managing Director calls to everyone: Look
at her strange attire - I am battling the freezing
office conditions until the sun rises - wearing a
black burka blouse and scarf, sleeveless black

The Way Back

Finally the world I know is changing, Barbarians
are rising against the current order - soon we'll
return to a primitive form of society where all is
peace and calm, beauty will be chased without

Fantasies In The Air [rev]

A puppet show theatre where my Jane Austin
& Charlotte Brontë symbolic dolls amuse the
mind - thus lunch hour turns into play-time as
I drape pink fabric for curtains, adding a silver

Near Nirvana [rev]

Its soft as prime, glossy silk and rounded like the
finest wine or the taste of real maple syrup - now
the at least three weeks adrenaline storm which
ransomed me, is over, peace returns and I hope

Nothing More - C

This day has splintered into a thousand pieces,
I constructed another bubble to hide my mind
from the fall-out and continue working, but then
the bubble was burst for me and I'm constrained

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