Manonton Dalan Poems

Hit Title Date Added
042910k Will Be There

in the bosom of the twin peaks
cradling virgin forest so thick
nice shelter for the winter wind
perfect for the season to spend

042910l Path To Whisper

flight of an eagle smooth
feeling i always suit
closing my eyes to dream
i could see the river's end

042910m Be Patient

cracking noise from branches
snow filled deep trenches
footsteps seldom heard
peaceful, not sight of a herd

042910n While We Are Awake

parch lips, wind blowing
teary eyes. sleep calling
embers flying hungry crying
a sword deep inside cutting

042910o Homeless Like Us

wind echoes through naked trees
howling fox mourn for lost lunches
squirrel pick on pine cones for seeds
as our longing for food slowly bleeds

042910p Laden Sled

searing wind echoing into the alleys
snow flying blasting stones and trees
howling fox silhouette against moon
muffling sound of hungry mourn

042910q Come To Lit

tepee land exploded with frenzy
screaming as loud as it could be
we dance on snow with empty bowl,
frozen ground but with happy soul

042910r Burning Tree

send the braves to see the grass
watch the redcoats; avoid a clash
learn how to fish the lake on ice
a deed we always come to despise

042910s The Trader

i am glad to see my people well
smile on their faces, i could tell
smoke rising from tepee a progress
they’re burning wood that are fresh

042910t Short Winter

mistletoe's come in numbers
not a good sign for flowers
short winter for bear sleep
low water for rivers to keep

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