Manas Mukherjee Poems

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Death, The Worthy One

Life's just another canvas this day,
Upon which brushes thy mind's sorrow;
And the pearl that made red, thy design.

Adam, Eve And The Serpent

Of wild nature art thou born, lest, of clay, melt;
God's hand thy breast tears,
And as thou unto deep dreams plunge

All In One, One In All

Thou O in sweet mixture dwell!
Divine melodies, in a lot, unheard,
Yet be a note more serene.

And Thus Was She Born!

That love is in two minds,
Thy passion gets breached;
The bliss, those with might, preached
And doth thy pleasure binds.

A Roman Falls

I dwell in life's sweet truth,
The beauty, he falls upon the mud,
And bold glory earns, that pain sooth
The great golden bird.

Fall Of Atlantis

Patches glow of bronze, of red and sapphire;
Golden lads and their youthful ladies,
Bathe they in hues of oranges and berries;
The tinted bliss does throughout prosper.

God, A Beast For Pride

Sacrilege, on Elysium, plays her flute,
And pride, his pipe smokes, as counts the past:
With love, his sweet holy dispute;
That she fled to Zeus, and sheltered under his trust.


Gaia's mythic bonds crossed,
Ruined bricks seeking redemption
For lurking tyranny, alas submits her blood!

Love From Jove

Afeared steps, hark, forth dark alleys,
They crawl past with thy rise!
Thy shining posture o'er the vacant valleys,
Thou life's light, a beauty without prize.

Love, The Blind Faith

She still be made to stab,
But lives the year's fall;
Hues, the essence, doth grab,
Such was she, the flower of love withal!

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