Les Littleford

Les Littleford Poems

Sometimes the frostbite still tingles
And the memory clicks into gear
After 44 years I still hear the shadowy scream
As Simon flew batlike over my head

A new baby
More than a new baby
A special bundle of genetic miracles

Dare you compare it to a country walk?
Dismissed by some a sadly wasted day,
But this of course is ill informed, the talk
Of those ne’er to have shared the joy of play,

Moss, trillions of microscopic leaves,
Carpets rocks and leaves
In the sheltered depths of snake gully.

I sat, tense, with increasing horror,
and my mind returned to
my childhood days in the church choir
when, every Sunday,

On million dollar land
overlooking Coogee Bay
lie hundreds of graves.
Memorials to cardinals, sailors, politicians

It has been seasonal - our separation-
The rare dark days of discontent
Sent scurrying like Spring clouds
With the sure knowledge of summer to follow


I knew the plot.
I had read it
studied it
taught it.

From the river it peaks at you,
peering around the modern, practical, concrete highway.
But from the Gorge
its arches form the perfect backdrop.

From the Northern slopes of Ben Lomond
the South Esk flows

The morning mist surprises,
its delicate long fingers
sliding silently, surreptitiously
in from the river

With Launceston rapidly growing,
public health was a topic of choice.
With debate and opinion flowing
Edward Ackerman added his voice.

The annual hand wringing
We don’t glorify war – but we do
We talk of ‘The Ultimate Sacrifice’
But sacrifice is voluntary

Fences, the glue of farming
laid waste for miles,
a patchwork jumble of flood litter, dead sheep, ruined crops.

I see them up and down the road,
assorted uniforms, varied demeanours.
Hair tousled, crimped, and chopped,
embodiments of that eponymous snail.

“We didn’t used to have one of you”
my first words to him
aged three
Welcome home Dad

I’ve given away the white board markers
emptied the files
shredded confidential pages

Deep in Lilly Pilly Gully
in the heart of Wilson’s Prom
waits a Boardwalk.

I wish I could remember more.

Through misty memories
Old family photos


It’s fifty years today since dad died.

I was three when he returned, late,
from the horrors of Burma.

Les Littleford Biography

After studying English and Education at the University of York, I have taught in the Channel Islands, Scotland, the Bahamas and Australia. After emigrating to Australia with my wife Sue in 1977 I have taught in Geelong, Melbourne, Portland in South West Victoria. I was predominantly an English teacher but for the last 26 years a Principal. Since retiring Sue and I worked for a year in an indigenous boarding school in the Tiwi Islands. I only started writing on retirement, largely inspired by a local writing group, 'Write on Bellarine'. Sue [ who paints] and I enjoyed a month as Artists in Residence in Launceston, Tasmania in 2013. Apart from writing I enjoy cooking, outdoor activities and all sports. Currently I play a lot of golf. We have three adult children and 3 grandchildren.)

The Best Poem Of Les Littleford


Sometimes the frostbite still tingles
And the memory clicks into gear
After 44 years I still hear the shadowy scream
As Simon flew batlike over my head
And I
Seconds later
Screamed upwards.
Fighting needle sharp
Spiralling swirling Spindrift,
Combating the mind numbing
Finger freezing
It was about midnight when time seemed to stop
Wondering when
The light would ever come.
My mind played games
As the wind howled
And we lived our individual nightmares
Separated by darkness
Connected by fear and rope
Dreaming and dozing
Fighting for balance
With horror
The terrifying roar

Through eighteen freezing
Endless hours until
Like spiders dangling on lifeline threads
The rescue appeared through the mist
To lower us to the valley floor.
Hot drinks
Suspicious media
Grateful friends
Avalanche invaded

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