Kristina Rose32

Kristina Rose32 Poems

My soulmate since day one, Is my true love
and has my heart and my soul,
I really can't picture myself with anyone
not even if it was his time to go,

Grieving is like a black rose you buy
From the store but it isn't like black
Rose you buy from the store, Grieving is real and you never get over it you
Just find another way to go on, , ,

All my life my mom was there for me
and my brother,
All sorts stuff we might went threw
knew our mom was there,

I wish you was here mom, they are few things,
like to tell you mom that you have missed out on,
Since you passed away mom things seem different
without you, ,

Red Roses are for beauty to say I love you
or for passtion of romantic or for Valentine's
to share how much you feel for someone,

When my mom passed away
It was like part of me with her, But
I know she is watching over me and
My brother,

Very sentimental poetry....
I recall my mom's last eyes....
no tears....
Smiles as she passed by

Get them toxic friendships out of your life
they will only take away your joy and happiness, ,
You can never make them happy or please them,
they also play with your emotions saying they

What is a friend?
is it to be friends
with you?
What is a friend?


You was a friend
who someone I
could talk to you,

The ocean is breath taking
The Views of ocean is
The wind is strong

Yesterday night- I thought I
saw a shooting star but,
it was moonlight shinning
down at me,

Motherhood I always wonder
how it was,
Before I came a mother
doctors said I couldn't be

Why should I be brave
half of the time?
Why does anyone not
see half of time I have

Jesus you are my father,
You are there for me &
my family and friends
and everyone else,

Being married to my true love,
what I grew up with in my
childhood my mom had
bad relationships and


Look in sky tonight and I look up see all the
stars and they are so bright tonight, I
wonder which star that might be the
star that might shoot cross the sky

Having love is amazing,
praying for peace and
no war,
Keep praying joy to

Dreaming is us way to see things
we might want to see in our dreams,
or we might not want to because,
they might be nightmares, ,

The morning sun shines so bright in the sky
Over the mountains when passed even sun
when wind blows to tree feels amazing in
summertime, When soulmates meet 20 years

Kristina Rose32 Biography

Hello there! ! I'm not really new to website I have some poems on here alright but use name and password no longer have or remember.I'm oh most 39 years old. I'm happy married and I am mother. but i been writing poems has thing for me on how I am feeling on one of them days or just to do it. if want know more you can ask but only on this site write poetry.)

The Best Poem Of Kristina Rose32

My Soulmate

My soulmate since day one, Is my true love
and has my heart and my soul,
I really can't picture myself with anyone
not even if it was his time to go,
to heaven,

oh my love since 20 years ago you
have been my rock, My best friend,
you are good father to our son,
I know some day we might not
be here always but know this
oh my love you will always be in
my heart and also have my heart,

Oh my love this I will promise you
that will do my best to try to
hold it together and take care
of son, Please honey what ever
happen my love, Just want you to
know that I'm so thankful to God
ever day he brought us together,
my love, It shows me ever day
after what I grew up with my
love that good ones are still
out there my love, ,

That quote from bible my love
it will always make me remember
what we still have no matter what
my love.

Written by Kristina Riggs
date Feb 14 2022
time 9: 10am

Kristina Rose32 Comments

Kristina Rose32 Quotes

I love it wind, Can't see it but I can feel it when ever wind blows, , , You can lead people to water to drink from God but you can't make them drink it, They would have want to drink the water from God on there owe, in time they will follow God Thanks for us leading them to water, ,

Love is a rose that shows it beauty, Love can break if, someone breaks your heart, Lust is like you Lust over candy..

"You're my shepherd You're my keeper My provider my protector You surround me You're in every step I take You're the goodness You're the constant You're my first love and my future You surround me You're in every step I take" I Belong to Jesus

I like taking pictures because you can get best moment before it is gone because you might not get same picture of that moment they do.... If you look at someone long enough, You can take picture you might have it longer because you never know how long we have on earth....

Enjoy your life while you can, You never know how long we have on this earth, Make sure you tell your loves one that you love them because they might not be here, It might be to late....

Being depression feeling like you don't know why you are in one in first place, But sometimes I have no clue when or where you last had one. then one day you realize what you have lost in yourself.

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