Kristen Palmitier Poems

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Life And Traveling

Traveling can be fun right? But what does it mean to travel?
Does it mean that your mind is gone or is it your body?

When you think about traveling, you think oh I can go some where and have fun. Do people travel to get away from others or do they travel to get away from themselves?

I Am A Rug

I am a rug...
I lay on the floor for any one and every one to walk all over me.

Don't walk on me walk besides me and you will see the beauty that I bring. With all the feet and filth theres no room for beauty. So walk besides me not on me.

I Am A Rose

What color am I? Am I red, pink, white, oh wait I am black...
Black is the color of many dark secret places and or ideas, which we may never want to enter...
So why do I feel like I am a black rose? Do I have secrets hidden so deep that no one can even sense them?
I wish I were a red and or a white rose. Those two colors can mean many of things but what you find the most is that of marriage...

I Am Paper

I am paper...
write on me what do you see a note a song, or a word no wait it's a letter.. What is this writing you see?
I know it is me speacking to you throught words that I am unable to give to you verbally because of what they mean....

I Am A Tv

To Be Different

How do we know for a fact that we all are different?
We all like to believe we are different and the same on many things.
Being different is like being the same to every one since we all may think that way about our selves. How does one become different?
And in who's eye's does it mean when a person either becomes different or already was different?

Life Style

I Am A Purse

The Need To Be...

How To Fill A Heart

When you are single, which means you are not dating or seeing any one, your heart is already half full. So how does it become full?
Is it another person that makes your heart feel full?
But just because you feel it does it really mean it is there?
I feel the only way to have a full heart is by loving your self way before any one person or any one item. You have to be one with your self way before your self can love some one else. Being single or not, you can still fill your heart any time you are ready to accept your self. you have to be ready in every way to love your self.

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