Katya Hutchinson

Katya Hutchinson Poems

(For Michael and Nora)

You and I
In a passionate crime
Hand in Hand
Lips with Lips

My Love for You without End,
Like Sea, like sky, like spiders web.
I search for you in this big world
With fish, with birds, with every soul.

Here I love you
On the island of sadness
In this open red flowers
With a terrified madness

I am in love once again
But not with Paris,
Just with rain, cold breeze, hell stones
Ether sleet.

It’s wasn’t me at All?
Just your imagination,
And only lonely Ghost,
Who lost his own sensation?

The Best Poem Of Katya Hutchinson

Forgive Me

(For Michael and Nora)

Forgive me for tonight:

For all my crazy passion,

For all my silly words,

For weakness and compassion.

For touches and desire,

For kisses and obsession.

I wish to die in fire

Just to forget my madness.

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