Justin the counselor white

Justin the counselor white Poems

Honesty is the key, when speaking the truth.
That key hangs from neck,
You have used it to open the doors to my mind, body and soul,
Leaving behind a magnificent and divine impression,

Love Drug

Two broken hearts with opposite broken parts
Mended together with cocaine lines

The Best Poem Of Justin the counselor white

True Beauty

Honesty is the key, when speaking the truth.
That key hangs from neck,
You have used it to open the doors to my mind, body and soul,
Leaving behind a magnificent and divine impression,
Permanent like a tattoo on ones skin,
Your beauty is a work of art in itself like a tattoo,
Unlike a tattoo your divine impression comes without pain
only graceful pleasure,
Honesty is the key, when speaking the truth.
You truly are a work of art that can be described with several words.
Breathtaking, Exquisite, A-1, Undreamed, Tempting, Irresistible,
Flawless, Unique, and Lovely.
These words together describe you the best simply as
Still an understatement for there is no true earthly word fit to describe
your beauty.
honesty is the key, when speaking the truth.
True beauty comes from within,
Leaks from your pores onto your flesh,
Leaving behind extraordinary portrait of gods greatest creation,
true beauty, your beauty

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