John Wilson Poems

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The Widowed Mother

Beside her Babe, who sweetly slept,
A widowed mother sat and wept
O'er years of love gone by;

Written On The Banks Of Wastwater, During A Storm

There is a lake hid far among the hills,
That raves around the throne of solitude,
Not fed by gentle streams, or playful rills,

I Wandered Lonely, Like A Pilgrim Sad

I wandered lonely, like a pilgrim sad,
O'er mountains known but to the eagle's gaze;
Yet, my hushed heart, with Nature's beauty glad,

Though oft in Britain's Isle the breathing bust
To fame consign the patriot-hero's dust,
And conquerors waked to mimic life again

The Three Seasons Of Love

With laughter swimming in thine eye,
That told youth's heartfelt revelry;
And motion changeful as the wing

The Magic Mirror

Methought beneath a Castle huge I stood,
That seemed to grow out of a rock sublime,
Through the dominion of its solitude

Written On The Banks Of Wastwater, During A Calm

Is this the lake, the cradle of the storms,
Where silence never tames the mountain-roar,
Where poets fear their self-created forms,

Written On The Sabbath-Day

When by God's inward light, a happy child,
I walked in joy, as in the open air,
It seemed to my young thought the Sabbath smiled

The Lake Lay Hid In Mist, And To The Sand

The Lake lay hid in mist, and to the sand
The little billows hastening silently,
Came sparkling on, in many a gladsome band,

The Nameless Stream

Gentle as dew, a summer shower
In beauty bathed tree, herb, and flower,
And told the stream to murmur on

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