John Newton Poems

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That Rock Was Christ

When Israel's tribes were parch'd with thirst,
Forth from the rock the waters burst;
And all their future journey through

The Rich Man And Lazarus

A Worldling spent each day
In luxury and state;
While a believer lay,
A beggar at his gate:

Dagon Before The Ark

When first to make my heart his own,
The Lord revealed his mighty grace;
Self reigned, like Dagon, on the throne,


Poor sinners! little do they think
With whom they have to do!
But stand securely on the brink
Of everlasting woe.

The Death Of Stephen

As some tall rock amidst the waves,
The fury of the tempest braves;
While the fierce billows toiling high,
Break at its foot and murm'ring die:

Walking With God

By faith in Christ I walk with God,
With heav'n, my journeys'-end, in view;
Supported by his staff and rod,
My road is safe and pleasant too,

The Lodestone

As needles point towards the pole,
When touched by the magnetic stone;
So faith in Jesus, gives the soul
A tendency before unknown.

The Believer's Safety (Ii)

That man no guard or weapons needs,
Whose heart the blood of Jesus knows;
But safe may pass, if duty leads,

Jacob's Ladder

If the Lord our leader be,
We may follow without fear;
East or West, by land or sea,
Home, with him, is everywhere;

Salvation Drawing Nearer

Darkness overspreads us here,
But the night wears fast away;
Jacob's star will soon appear,
Leading on eternal day!

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