John E Marks

John E Marks Poems

Redemption comes at such a cost
Freezing winds off the Irish sea
Blow me away from hearth and home
At such a cost - loss pressing on loss -

Light waves to Schrödinger's cat,
it does not matter
if a particular particle's partiality
parts from the classical concept

"Leave you homesick for a home you never had..."John Moreland

Notre Dame's Gothic aspiration

Became a symbol of the French nation.

These bloody dead

That debt we owe,

A holy river runs through us -

the river of life -

I remember fallingas a child

And being lifted by a fairy-wild

O! daughter dear, on this mid-western afternoon,

When I can see all the way to Sacramento, I cry

Suttee, Sanskrit sati ("good woman" or "chaste wife") , a Hindu custom of a wife immolating herself on the funeral pyre of her dead husband.


Birdsong flung into fond recall

A dry-stone wall,

John E Marks Biography

I am the father of 5 children, the grandfather of 3 children and friend to Charlie an 11 year old black labrador. My wife is Irish and I am English though my father was an orphan, so who knows. I worked for the Open University for 30 years teaching history, linguistics and literature. I enjoy reading poetry and novels, history and philosophy. I also like walking, swimming, travelling and watching cricket.)

The Best Poem Of John E Marks

Song For The Old Year

Redemption comes at such a cost
Freezing winds off the Irish sea
Blow me away from hearth and home
At such a cost - loss pressing on loss -
Yet still the winter-birds sing,
Seemingly so carelessly,
And we know it costs them their whole life
To fly this way and sing and eat and build and build
Yet still this merely human, framed of earth,
Cannot scrape away the curse of discontent:
Sitting solid as a rock, squatting squarely
On the chest where a bird would build a nest
Then fly high high into the blue skies of summer
So far, far away from this deep and dark complacency.

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