John Ackerman

John Ackerman Poems

Moist, bright, and green, the landscape laughs around.
Full swell the woods; their every music wakes,
Mix'd in wild concert, with the warbling brooks
Increased, the distant bleatings of the hills,


When at night I close my eyes,
to think all the days gone by,


a rain drop

If a raindrop
could represent
the love in
a man's life

How long will it take for you to see
Life is just an illusion, it's gonna pass eventually
The flesh is just a lie
Eventually you're gonna die

The Union

I was lying on my back look up at the ceiling
Trying to come up with a wheel or dealing

shattered glass out on the kitchen floor
picking up the pieces of my past
move away from the silence to a lingering laugh
each of us where's a mask in a disguise in life

trapped within the very impulse of our loved beneath the perplexing ambush

we close the door of brevity with a slight adjustment of the hand when will we understand



eyes, hair & smile

The Hollow Leaves

Spread out upon the ground
Out of mere sadness there's a tug at the heart

you can't make your heart beat something it won't

it's either heaven or hell now I got a good story to tell

in the silence of my thoughts
pitter patter of soft sandal feet
a candle lit in the corner of my room

For decades I held back this piece until today

I Think Therefore I Write Poetry

The Touch

in the corridor alone

Haunt My Dreams

He digs the sweet sting of my rhymes
Compares me to prickly pear cactus jelly

in the silence of my thoughts
pitter patter of soft sandal feet
a candle lit in the corner of my room

A Deeper Way

When What You Believe Infiltrates Your Behavior The Process Builds The Foundation!
A challenge to be free is a question of time.

lines are being formed from the face and hands
eyes, feet & hands
when will we ever seem to learn to understand
through a variance to a dream voices scream

alone in my bed I lay
still not able to pray
I close my eyes to a world unknown
cobwebs etched in the very fabric of my existence

North Korea
Tear Down The Wall
Trump is on the mountain

The Best Poem Of John Ackerman

The Vanishing

Moist, bright, and green, the landscape laughs around.
Full swell the woods; their every music wakes,
Mix'd in wild concert, with the warbling brooks
Increased, the distant bleatings of the hills,
And hollow lows responsive from the vales,
Whence, blending all, the sweeten'd zephyr springs.
Meantime, refracted from yon eastern cloud,
Bestriding earth, the grand ethereal bow
Shoots up immense; and every hue unfolds,
In fair proportion running from the red
To where the violet fades into the sky.
Here, awful Newton, the dissolving clouds
Form, fronting on the sun, thy showery prism;
And to the sage-instructed eye unfold
The various twine of light, by thee disclosed
From the white mingling maze. Not so the boy;
He wondering views the bright enchantment bend,
Delightful, o'er the radiant fields, and runs
To catch the falling glory; but amazed
Beholds th' amusive arch before him fly,
Then vanish quite away.

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'The Challenge To Be Free Is A Question Of Time'

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