Jo Anna Bella Bennerson

Jo Anna Bella Bennerson Poems

Could there be…are there any survivors?
Must target the roving bands of liars, thieves, loiterers.
What phenomenon garnered such abject devastation?
What ungodly creature dismembered God’s own creation?

Josephine is her name.
She stuns you like Lady Holiday.
Not quite as outrageous as her namesake,
La Parisian, Josephine Baker.

Let your heart be free.
Open your pores, so the stale sweat come forth.
Vary the images your mind sees.
Ease into my arms, forget the hurt.

L Longing to capture you. Inside Me. Pouring your manhood into my eternity.

O Oceans of turbulent emotions swelling up upon my shores.

Most Astonishing, the love you have for me,
securing us in this well placed spot of the galaxy.
I cling to their man-made modern technology,
to the 4-billion mile away photo that sealed it for me.

“…I invoke the considerate judgment of mankind,
and the gracious favor of Almighty God.”

Emancipation Proclamation

Jo Anna Bella Bennerson Biography

Jo Anna Bella, Poet at Heart resides in Maryland and has had her poems published in several anthologies. She is currently, working toward completing her first published book, Calypso's Longing, a Woman's Odyssey of Love, to be published later this year. Jo Anna was born in Brooklyn, New York and grew up in St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands as Jo Anna Bennerson aka 'Jo Jo' and 'Style', attending St. Joseph's High School where she was 'Miss Joseph's'.)

The Best Poem Of Jo Anna Bella Bennerson


Could there be…are there any survivors?
Must target the roving bands of liars, thieves, loiterers.
What phenomenon garnered such abject devastation?
What ungodly creature dismembered God’s own creation?

Ravenous rivers raging, onerous oceans oscillating,
malicious mountains moving, dangerous dams deteriorating.
Stalwart walls crumbling, bruised lips swollen,
tired eyes blackened, ardent spirits broken.

Who can survive this? If only
I had another wish….even if the damage weren’t enough,
There’s disease now, there’s hunger –
everything is blessed with a curse!

Catastrophe - hurricane, typhoon, hardened lava,
tornado, gale force winds, tsunami, flooded areas,
Nauseous pillars, clouds of smoke,
frozen terrain; dying memories, crippled hope.

Heartwarming homes once stock full of love
stuck beneath acres of grudging mud.
Cherished temples honoring gifts from above,
floating; splintered in the muck of the flood.

Collapsing lungs, choked off by reeking fumes.
Battered arms, hustling to earth/unearth tombs.
Rescue squads lost, wandering aimlessly without a clue.
Hangers-on; praying, grieving, expecting whom?

One day Troy, the Philippines, Louisiana, Mt. Vesuvius,
one day, Montserrat, the Virgin Islands, Florida, Honduras.
Entrapment, middle passage, slavery,
confinement, loss lineage….*HUMANITY! *

How do I start over?
Is there enough fresh water to cleanse my wounds?
Where do I start, to put it all back together?
Who is this eternal name, throughout the ages, called Noah?

Catastrophe. What a coy, sensuous term
to express how our lives have been overturned.
What discipline, what inlay of strategy/ systems
will rescue me from the land of the condemned?

So like the life spent loving him,
So like the hurricane thrashed the light within.
So like the flood wrestled with the wind,
So like the tornado triumphs in sin.
So like the avalanche crushed my heart,
So like the volcano burned away every spark.
So like the typhoon ripped my vessel apart,
So like he scurried away so my demise could start.

So much loss, untold misery, forever agony…
All because - I chose… to love somebody.
How did the world turn on me?

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