Jim Yerman Poems

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The Hunter

There’s a story out of Norway about a hunter on the loose
Who, in the forest, aimed his rifle at an unsuspecting moose!

The Parental Kite

Parenting is like flying a kite…you do an awful lot of running around
using every breath you have to get your children up off the ground.

And you never feel prouder…remember how you grinned

Is This Progress?

As I watch TV every now and then I’m transported back to a time long ago
When the world was a little bit simpler, when everything moved kind of slow.

52 Words

52 words written in 1787 and ratified in 1788 were meant to be a guiding light to make America great.

It began with certain concepts on the kind of country we should be.
With a hope these words would be self-evident throughout our history.

The House Across The Street

There is a house across the street…
from now on I'll refer to it as she…
she's a house our family's loved..because we share a history.

Our Only Child

We've shown contempt for our Mother Earth…
We throw garbage on her beach.
Into her air
and land

Between The Blinks Revisited

I am often amazed how quickly time flies by.
How so much seems to happen in the mere blink of an eye.

For there was a time, not that long ago

The Battle

There is a Cherokee proverb that can lead to our success or our downfall
It tells of how there is a battle of two wolves inside us all.

One of those wolves is evil…an evil wolf who cries

Holiday Sadness

For many of us the holidays are happy times…it's when we smile, we laugh…we grin but for many others the holidays is when sorrow comes flooding in.

When the waters of sadness rise around them…as they are reminded of a death, they wonder how long they'll be underwater…how long they'll have to hold their breath.

Drawing Day

You may not find this on the calendar but today is special anyway
June 7th every year is known as Drawing Day.

For anyone whose ever drawn and animal, a tree, a bus

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