Janet Mary Zylstra

Janet Mary Zylstra Poems

There's a nightingale singing from a tree in the woods
And his voice slices through the chilly air;
The silver coated fox stops and listens to the song
As she pokes her pretty nose out of her lair.

Christ in a garden of roses -
Where beauty meets beauty
And Love meets the symbol of love;

Another place, another time
When the world was not possessed by man
And beast played but a minor part;
Evolution had not yet begun.

Delicious smells come tiptoeing
Around the oven door.
They come creeping through the kitchen,
Up the curtains, 'cross the floor.

Dreams - dreams - dreams
Of faraway lands and faraway places,
Strange, foreign names and strange, foreign faces;
Dreams of the sea and dreams of the ocean

Sculpted alabaster gulls on naked stones
Shrug drooping wings while winter crazy weather
Spits tear-salt rain into feather muted solitude
And sailor haunted flaws flute to hungry seas.

You were dangling from the sky
Until the string snapped
And you plunged beak first

Bring the rivers of Your peace, O Lord.
Let them burst their banks and overflow,
Flood the barren, desert lands
Where nothing grows.

For everything there is an hour;
Seasons come and seasons go.
A moment for a rose to bloom,
For the tide to ebb and then to flow.

The winter night has tossed a shroud
Across the hills and fields and vales
And broods beneath its settling folds.

Thank the Lord for the little things of life
When you cuddle up in bed;
For the places you've been and the things that you've seen
And the thoughts inside your head.

You are everywhere.
Glowing in the rays of the sun of a brand new day;
Sparkling in the dew on the grass and fresh mown hay.
You are everywhere.

There is so little time to spare
In a world that whizzes round
At the speed of light, the giddy light
Blinding the eyes and mind.

When will time erode my pain
And give me peace to live again
Without the sense of gradual death
That hampers each lung-breaking breath?

White fanged wolves
Echo arctic winds
Across the shifting white
Of dreamless, dawnless nights;

Little drops of water,
Little drops of rain,
Freshen up the wayside flowers
And makes them breath again.

hang from the heavens.
Cosmic fruit
waiting to be plucked.

He came from the west
Ebony wings gliding
Upon the Surazon.
A silhouette at noon

There is a pain that sucks the life blood
Out of my very veins
And drags my strangled spirit
From my heart's bombed out remains.

Puppies prance across my life,
My art, furniture, clothes and shoes
Then wriggle, paws in air,
Wondering what else there is to do.

Janet Mary Zylstra Biography

Full time writer, poet and owner of a private refuge for abandoned dogs. Spent ten years at sea, travelling obscure parts of our world, but never quite made it to the Far East.)

The Best Poem Of Janet Mary Zylstra

Night Song

There's a nightingale singing from a tree in the woods
And his voice slices through the chilly air;
The silver coated fox stops and listens to the song
As she pokes her pretty nose out of her lair.

Heaven is adorned with a thousand snowflake stars;
Not a cloud mars the deep and limpid sky.
The silver coated fox slips away on silent paws
And the shadow of the moon is in her eye.

Like a silver coated arrow she shoots across the fields
As the nightingale sobs his lonely tale,
And his silver noted voice drifts across the sleeping woods
To be heard by his mate down in the vale.

There's a nightingale singing from a tree in the vale
And her voice slices through the chilly air;
The silver coated fox stops and listens to the song
As she makes her silent way back to her lair.

Janet Mary Zylstra Comments

Lare Austin 01 January 2005

Hi Mary...I've just discovered your latest posted poetry. And thus have found your other poems here on this site as well. I just wanted to say thank you for sharing. Your poetry is very, very good. You have such a gifted way with words. Have you thought of publishing a book of poetry? Sincerely, Lare Joseph Austin

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