Jacy Anderson Poems

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The Night Prowler

The cat,
sleek is its steps,
sleek is its moves,
prowling through the night,

The Bee

You shiver and shake with the power of thousands of earthquakes as

you walk on to the stage, as the audience blankly stares at you, searing

Over The Edge

Peace, absorbed by the lush enviorment,
the peaceful mind,
raped by war and hatred,
a war raged on for an everlasting,

Hope In Hell

Heart pounding,
like the steady beat of a drum,
as you glare into the eyes of beauty,
feelings bottled up inside,

The Departed

The peaceful melody,
ringing through the halls,
as the church bell crys its mourningful cry,
tears splashing against the pavement,

Ritual Of Friendship

The peaceful chatter,
ringing through night,
like the talk of the trees,
as the wind whistles by.

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