Ivan Brooks Sr

Ivan Brooks Sr Poems

I came directly from through the ranks
All my dues paid, my homage to life
To my God alone all my humble thanks
For bread I slice with prayer knife.

I am not even a soldier, yet I have fought my own battles
Conquering some territories without a single commander
I am not decorated, yet I have earned my very own titles
Enjoying all royalties, God Almighty has been my provider

I have the compulsion to just write
I can't wait to share all my products
Results of my many sleepless nights
My mind represents a little darkroom

Just like an old master my mind comes alive,
Often not when my side of the world wakes.
When sleepless constellations performs live -
Delivering new ideas like some sweet cakes,

The world's gone mad but my mind is made up
Time to let ya'll into the darkroom of my mind
A place where I'm referee of a poetic world cup
This where I am creative even though I'm blind

As a resident of hope village be very thankful -
If for breakfast you have just a cup of water,
Say a big prayer to Baba and be very grateful.
Know ye that someday things will get better!

Rise And Shine, Make today thine
For most perfect days like mine,
Promises no perfect tomorrow
For time is a perpetual arrow.

Oh death, you merciless master of the dark underground
Have you no conscious perimeter when you roll call?
Oh death, you heartless master of the great beyond
Does your job description involves making nice people fall?

I am mama Africa, mother of humanity
My soul flows in all people in all places
I am Queen of Shebah the essence of beauty
You see me in people, people of all races.

Against the timeline of nature
Freed from the conformity of it all
Are people who refused to fit in the picture
Yet expect their voices to stand tall.

Tonight, my two exhausted eyes refused to fold
And my timid soul is all restless and wide awake
Just Craving warmth and sleep but winter is cold
Oh deep sleep, give me thy frail hands to take.

I have just written a wonderful Song
For with words I have painted nature
It is so beautiful and not too long
Watch as it turns into a new picture.

Some days we are productive when we walk
Depending on where we go with the message
Some days we are destructive when we talk
Depending on the interpretation and usage.

We don't need to live too long
To leave legacies that will live forever.
For a while we live, forever like legends
Our deeds are here for us to speak

Long after the sun goes down over my grave
And the earth becomes my final resting place
Long after my soul has left its mortal enclave
My words will abound from earth to outer space.

Be of a kindred spirit and nothing shall hinder thee.
Try to always Fling thy sweetest side at will
See if Happy birds will not hum melodies from a tree
For in happiness the soul of man gets its fill.

Good times goes by ever so quickly
And Taking with it nearly everything
Wrinkling at all of our faces softly
And yet leaving us with barely nothing.

Being black is the essence of strength
The ones my ancestors used to survive
When they sailed the deep oceans length
Surviving everything just to keep alive.

One day the bullets of war made a sad song
And so I became displaced against my will
I ran into Exile where thousands came along
Memories of a sad war that nothing can fill


Ebola, did we invite you
to this sweet land of liberty?
Why do you have to torment us?
You represent fear and deaths

Ivan Brooks Sr Biography

Ivan Brooks Sr is a liberian poet who lives in Norway with his family. I was born in Monrovia, Liberia. My journey with poetry started at an early age but it blossomed couple of years back when my writing started to appeal to people.I Love to write and my passion for poetry and the burning desire to harness and perfect my craft is the driving force behind what I do.I consider myself a work in progress. I write motivational and inspirational materials periodically. I am admin of the All Liberian Poetry Group on facebook, I have some of my works published on poemhunter.com and other platforms.)

The Best Poem Of Ivan Brooks Sr

My Dues Are Paid

I came directly from through the ranks
All my dues paid, my homage to life
To my God alone all my humble thanks
For bread I slice with prayer knife.

I came strictly from my very own hood
All of my dues I paid through my strife
To mama dear for prayers and our food
For all she sacrificed to save my life.

I came humbly from a very blessed home
All my dues are paid through my chores
To charity, It said take and leave some
For all I learned I am beyond my shores.

I came strongly ready to join the hustle
My dues paid with my years of readiness
To poverty, a real caveat for my struggle
For I've persevered through steadfastness.

Ivan Brooks Sr Comments

Ivan Brooks Sr Quotes

Don't think nobody's interested in your life as it unfolds, they do! Truth is, it's the lowest depths you fall in that fascinates them..It's the Wounds you sustained on the way down and the maggots and the pains you go through to heal, it's the struggle to bring yourself back to life....surely, they want to come and stand over you, watch you as you climb slowly and painfully back to life! As always, your success is of least concern.

The rise of an over-comer is great news to thousands who can't overcome.

One man will build a house, two strong men a village and few visionaries a great nation.

A true dreamer is often a versatile artist.The masterpieces he comes up with aren't always perfect from the start. like an artist, a true dreamer uses his imagination to retouch his dreams every now and then.

If you react wisely today about what people did to you yesterday, I promise you they will in no doubt come to remember you tomorrow.

Life is a mission.The nature of our mission entails that we all have to assume different roles, mold ourselves into different shapes and sizes, migrate from place to place until we can find ourselves or fulfill our individual purposes in this life.

If a line can be drawn between where things are good for us to the point where all our troubles begins, nobody will pinpoint the Right place.

The soul feeds on the truth...don't starve yours.

Without the seconds, minutes, hours, days and weeks, there will be no months, years decades, centuries and millenniums.

knowledge and love are disseminated using the same principles; Impact people with the former, and it will surely be passed on. Show or treat people with the latter, they too will spread it.

Kindness transcends courtesy, make an investment today...returns are always certain to be profitable and satisfactory.

Just like in a marathon, all some people can do is go as far as they can, watching the real champions finishing in style and giving multiple interviews after receiving medals.

We transform in the eyes of others as we transitioned from level to level in this life. We grow up when we prioritize our responsibilities.

people will buy into your journey, if you find out what your truth is and make it a part of your journey.

The aroma of a beautiful woman is more potent than the greatest thunderstorms ever recorded by man.

A productive life is a hot cup of tea.According to the temperature of your cup, you have to know when to sip, drink, gulp or swallow.

You don't need intelligence to talk to a professor but it requires a lot of wisdom to argue with a stupid man.

You can't allow people walk all over you for any reason, especially for the wrong reasons.

Keep love for wild animals in your hearts not homes.. keep love for your fellow man in yours hearts not their mistakes

Society uses more time, energy and useful resources to hail and promote uselessness.

Let the reason behind your tears be the same reason behind your strength.

Heresy is a road most traveled by words and less traveled by people.

As powerful as the sun is, its rays doesn't touch everything on earth and neither does it shines in every corner always.Similarly, our days will not always be fill with goodness and abundance.

When it's way too far along to abandon, too late to turn around and way too deep for you to climb out, that's when the fighter in every man wakes up and takes charge.

Since you don't know what tomorrow will bring, bring out your best today.

As an African living in the Occident, my adopted nationality is on paper but my true identity and nationality will always be in my heart.

No conclusive evidence that the best plans and hardest work yields the best results..just add faith and consistency.

Dreams, hard work and faith in God works concomitantly..to those who believe and apply this as a yardstick, expect no intermittent returns in your efforts.

We all got to be checked and scrutinized if we are to remain good stewards.

You can't go forward if you're overwhelmed with uncertainty.

Go for whatever you so desire in this life.Just as you would appreciate to succeed, be prepared to fail but don't accept the results

Reach into the Bible to find Christ, reach into your hearts to complete the journey.

Occasionally, you come across people who don't know what they want and what they're looking for.

There are people who will lift heavy stones using raw muscles. There are people whose voices will make people do it for them.

If you come over a situation without a challenge, know that you still have a challenge to overcome.

Some people write about what others are crying about and some people sing about what others are happy about.

I've always resisted giving the word 'success' a comfortable place..it represents and encourages complacency.Remember, failures are often birthed in a place of comfort.

Power and wealth belongs to a selected few, hope belongs to everyone!

Men might have invented the act of cancelling things or obligations, women perfected the craft..

As hard as it is, we all can use today to pay for yesterday and if possible, use today to make a deposit on tomorrow.

Good will in human is not only God's will for us, it's the will of God for humanity He expects from us.

Man may have come up with the concept of time, he might have invented the alarm clock but he knows not what tomorrow holds for him.The limitation of our knowledge is the beginning God's infinite wisdom and power.Therefore I urge you to make your greatest plans with God involved.

You can't paint a white image with a black paint.

Changes we see in others are just the illusion of real changes taking place deep within the core of our being.

Many have found what they were looking for but lost everything that was predestined for them by God.

Intelligence shows how much you know, Wisdom shows how much you've grown.

The truth is not always revealed in a moment of calm reflection.

A child's innocence is a magnate for people with evil agendas..It is our moral duties as a society to question these people and hold them accountable...children are instruments of war but yardsticks of love...

Unless he's born without any aspiration to achieve greatness, a man must believe and have faith in someone higher than himself in order to do exploits.

I talk to fools to offer wisdom, I listen to the wise to learn, I sit with the homeless to avoid being one of them, I walk with those on a mission to experience their journey, I affiliate with a church to fellowship, I do good to show kindness, I read history to know what transpired down those dark corridors, I hang out with the old to hear stories about my ancestors who lived before me.Finally I sit quietly to process everything.

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